Propose a New Working Group

Otto Lummer (1860-1925), at Breslau on his 60th Birthday
Image courtesy of the American Philosophical Society

The Consortium invites proposals for new online working groups focusing on specialized topics in the history of science, technology or medicine. This call is for groups that will meet during the 2022-2023 academic year.

Working groups foster a collegial and stimulating environment for scholars at all levels from around the world to work together in small groups, discussing works-in-progress and other literature of interest. Groups are hosted through the Consortium’s website. Participation will be promoted among the Consortium’s members, fellows and larger community. Individuals or groups can participate from anywhere via video conference.

Proposals (up to 1250 words) should:

  • describe the scope and purpose of the proposed working group, and list additional goals such as volume or conference/symposium - if any
  • describe how the group would be a distinctive contribution to scholarly discourse, and how the group complements or is distinct from current or past working groups
  • describe the scholarly communities this group intends to engage, and include a plan for promotion to these communities, including mailing lists, institutions, and individuals or other entities who will be contacted
  • indicate whether this group is intended to last one year, or you expect to apply for renewal 
  • indicate whether you would like this group to be included in the Consortium call for working group papers, or you prefer to recruit all your own presenters
  • include a preliminary list of topics or themes for six to twelve meetings
  • provide a concise and engaging abstract (up to 250 words) that could be used to promote the group

Additionally, those submitting proposals will be asked to:

  • identify at lease eight scholars committed to participating
  • provide brief biographical statements from two to three scholars who will serve as conveners

We encourage proposals with a mix of conveners at different levels of seniority. Applications are due no later than May 15, 2022.

Propose a working group

Contact with any questions regarding working groups.