Madness: A Brief History with Darin Hayton

The concept of madness presents a challenge. What sorts of perceived deviant behavior indicated that a person was mad? How have societies understood the assumed underlying conditions that caused that behavior? How have societies responded to — tried to control or treat or help or ostracize — those thought to be mad? This course will examine some of the ways past societies identified, explained, and reacted to behavior they considered deviant and evidence of madness. It will focus on how madness has been defined and viewed from antiquity through the 19th century in Europe and North America.
Dr. Darin Hayton is a historian of science whose research focuses on the creation and dissemination of scientific knowledge, especially the science of the stars (astrology and astronomy) in pre-Modern Europe and the late Byzantine Empire. He is Associate Professor of the history of science in the History Department at Haverford College and Chair of the Editorial Board of Lever Press, an innovative Open Access scholarly press. He has published a book, The Crown and the Cosmos. Astrology and the Politics of Maximilian I, and more recently an article on the local Friends’ Asylum (“The Inmate’s Window”). He has taught for the Wagner since 2016.
The course is free, donations are appreciated! Pre-registration is required for each person attending the class.

6 Tuesdays from Oct 17 - Nov 21, 6:30 - 8pm
View Syllabus
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Parkway Central Library
1901 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103