Hidden hands in colonial natural histories, Wednesday 25 September 10am

Dear All, Thanks everyone for coming today. Here are the resources that were shared in the chat. From Victoria Dickenson: St-Domingue plantes: https://archive.org/details/McGillLibrary-rbsc_blackerwood_watercolour-painting-st-domingo_folioM9725R11_v4-20154 From Dominik Huenniger - I am co-running this conference in December. Program will be published soon. Exhibiting the Sound of History: Practice and Theory of Acoustic Historical Research and Communication | H-Soz-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften | Geschichte im Netz | History in the web (hsozkult.de) - Another group of interest: Collection Ecologies | Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine (chstm.org) - Soon to be published next volume of the book series "Emergence of Natural History", I co-edit: Insects and Colors between Art and Natural History | Brill The series is also always looking for book proposals. ;-) From Fenneke Sysling: Who did the work database: https://whodidallthework.nl/viewer.p/82/4312/types/all/list/ Look forward to seeing you in October! Best wishes, Anna