
We will discuss
Georges Roque: « Éléments de méthode d’analyse de la signification des couleurs : expression et contenu » /  “Expression and content: A methodological tool to analyze color meaning”
This paper is a chapter from a forthcoming book, Significations des couleurs dans la peinture (17e - 20e siècles). It provides a methodological tool, based on general semiotics, to analyze color meaning, mainly in painting. The method is widely used by semioticians, but not yet (as far as I know) in the field of color. Its starting point is Louis Hjelmslev’s distinction between the expression plane and the content plane, which corresponds roughly to Ferdinand de Saussure's significant (expression) and signifier (content). As each plane is composed of several oppositions the process to create meaning consists of correlating oppositions of the expression plane to oppositions of the content plane. To give just a few examples, the opposition light/dark can be related to day/night, life/death; the opposition between saturated and desaturated can be related to happiness/sadness. In this paper I briefly examine the main oppositions used for the expression plane of color and their possible links to semantic oppositions. I am aware that such links are often too general and cannot replace the context-dependent analysis of a given artwork. However, I argue that this tool can prove useful when we try to understand color meaning in works of art.
A philosopher and an art historian, Georges Roque is honorary senior researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris. On color he organized four international symposia whose proceedings have been published and curated three exhibitions. Main books:  La Stratégie de Bonnard. Couleur, lumière, regard, Paris, Gallimard, 2006; Art et science de la couleur. Chevreul et les peintres, de Delacroix à l’abstraction, second revised ed., Paris, Gallimard, 2009; Quand la lumière devient couleur, Paris, Gallimard, 2018; La cochenille, de la teinture à la peinture. Une histoire matérielle de la couleur, Paris, Gallimard, 2021. His latest papers published in English are: “Philosophy and Science”, in A Cultural History of Color In the Age of Industry, vol. 5, (éd. A. Loske), London & New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2021, p. 33-52 ; “Colour Theory: Definition, fields and interrelations”, AIC Journal of the International Colour Association, vol. 32, 2023, n° special Colour Theory, p. 4-16;
Please note that the text proposed for this discussion was written for publication in French. We are including along with the original an English translation made using Google’s AI translator and slightly revised.

Working Group