Kateřina Kolářová, "Rehabilitative Post-Socialism: Disability, Race, Gender, and Sexuality and the Limits of National Belonging" (forthcoming with University of Michigan Press).
The meeting will be a discussion of a chapter entitled “The Inadaptable (Non-)Citizen: The Racialised Logic of the Provisionally Permanent Abandonment."
Kolářová teaches at the Department of Sociology in the Gender Studies program, Charles University, Prague. Her work engages intersections of disability, crip, queer and race theories. Most recently, her manuscript Rehabilitative Postsocialism: Disability, Race, Gender and Sexuality and the Limits of National Belonging won the 2019 Tobin Siebers Prize for Disability Studies in Humanities (forthcoming with Michigan University Press). Together with Martina Winkler she co-edited Re/Imaginations of Disability in State Socialism: Visions, Promises, Frustrations (forthcoming with Campus Verlag in 2021).
Please join us. All are welcome. We will provide CART. Please contact Mike Rembis if you have any questions or concerns, or you need further accommodation.