We discussed a selection of articles from the June 2017 special issue of History of Science on Iberian science. Maria Portuondo, who wrote the introduction to this issue, joined us from Johns Hopkins. To keep the reading at manageable quantity, we picked articles that engage particularly with historiographical questions. Interested readers may want to check out the rest of this very interesting journal issue.
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María Portuondo. “Iberian Science: Reflections and Studies”
Juan Pimentel and José Pardo-Tomás. “And yet, we were modern. The Paradoxes of Iberian Science after the Grand Narratives”
John Slater and Maríaluz López-Terrada. “Being Beyond: The Black Legend and How We Got Over It”
Henrique Leitāo and Antonio Sánchez. “Too Much To Tell: Narrative Styles of the First Descriptions of the Natural World of the Indies.”