Join us Thursday, April 22nd @2PM EST for (Re)Producing Medical Knowledge in Modern Latin America, a conversation on the history of medicine and the politics of reproductive knowledge and reproductive agency in Modern Latin America. Bianca Premo (Florida International University & Guggenheim Fellow) will present a talk entitled, "Carrión Avenue: Routes to the Scientific Truth about Peru’s Youngest Mother in the World.” This showcases her new research on the complicated story of Lina Medina, Peru’s youngest mother, who gave birth in 1939 at the age of five, and how a transnational medical community varyingly dismissed and objectified her case and the medical condition of precocious puberty. Elizabeth O’Brien (Johns Hopkins University) will offer a presentation entitled, “‘I’ll walk wherever I damn please’: Agency, Resistance, and the Patient’s Voice in Mexican Medical History,” which explores the experiential and embodied histories of reproductive surgery in Modern Mexico. The conversation will include a larger discussion about the place of Latin America in the History of Medicine.