"Contracted pelvises, complicated births--Pelvic research and obstetric practice in the 19th century"
By: Karen Nolte, the University of Heidelberg
Using the pelvic collection of the University Women's Hospital Würzburg, Dr. Nolte will work out which questions motivated pelvic research and the collecting activities of obstetricians in the 19th century and which ethical questions arose from the results of this research for obstetric practice.
In February 2018 Dr. Karen Nolte has been appointed professor and director of the Institute for History and Ethics of Medicine at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Prior to this appointment she held a research appointment at the Institute of History of Medicine, University of Wuerzburg. She is a nurse by training and has studied history, cultural anthropology/European ethnology and sociology at the University of Goettingen in Germany. Her current research interests are: history of gynaekology, nursing history, material cultures in medicine and care in the 19th and 20th century