
Philadelphia Area Center for History of Science

Thursday, September 6, 2012, 8:00 pm EDT
427 Chestnut St., Benjamin Franklin Hall, American Philosophical Society

All panels will take place in Franklin Hall (427 Chestnut St., Philadelphia) in the Fels Room and Presidents' Room Day 1: 1:30-2:30pm Introductory Remarks: Carin Berkowitz and Eva Åhrén 2:30-5:00pm Session 1:  Anatomical Specimens at Work

  • "The Work of a Good Specimen: Frederic Wood Jones’ Intellectual and Rhetorical Uses of Human Specimens" Lisa O’Sullivan, New York Academy of Medicine Commentary: Eva Ahren and Anna Maerker

  • "Making Anatomical Collections Useful, Or, Why the Knoxes Knocked Waxes (and Preparations)" Anna Maerker, King’s College London Commentary: Nico Bertoloni Meli and Erin McLeary

  • "The Pathology of War: Museum Collecting During the Great War" Erin McLeary, Independent Scholar Commentary: Shauna Devine Lisa O’Sullivan

Day 2: 9:30am-12:00pm Session 2:  Seeing, Depicting, and Knowing

  • "The Surgeon’s Seeing Hand:  Teaching Anatomy to the Senses in Britain, 1750-1830." Carin Berkowitz, Chemical Heritage Foundation Commentary: Lisa O'Sullivan and Nico Bertoloni Meli

  • "The Rise of Pathological Iconography: Baillie, Bleuland, and Their Collections" Domenico Bertoloni Meli, Indiana University Commentary: Ellery Foutch and Eva Ahren

  • "Seeing, Knowing, Showing: Specimens and Visualizations in the Anatomical Work of Anders and Gustaf Retzius, 1830-1919," Eva Åhrén, National Institutes of Health Commentary: Erin McLeary and Carin Berkowitz

1:30-3:00pm Session 3:  Anatomy and Health 

  • "Science, Disease and Representation: Medical Photography during the American Civil War, 1861-1865," Shauna Devine, Duke University Commentary: Anna Maerker and Ellery Foutch

  • "Dissecting the Perfect Man: Anatomical Representations of Bodybuilder Eugen Sandow" Ellery Foutch, University of Wisconsin, Madison Commentary: Carin Berkowitz and Shauna Devine

3:30-4:30pm Commentary and concluding discussion: John Harley Warner