Edgar Arcenaux and Kurt Forman
Scholars of the history of science, education, religious studies, social history, medical anthropology, and Black Studies will be invited to ponder how the various "biopoitical battle lines" of the twentieth century have shaped American society and global politics. Who is counted? How are they represented or studied? How have scientific disciplines interacted with or influenced categories of race, ethnicity, and sexuality? How have systems of production, of education, of welfare, and other major structures that organize modern life differently impacted populations across the globe based on how well they fit definitions of the norm? How are the problems of development and inequality connected?
Edgar Arcenaux and Kurt Forman will create a printed artwork in conversation with the event.
If you wish to see a recording of this event, please email cecilial@caltech.edu.
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For more information, please contact Cecilia Lu by email at cecilial@caltech.edu.