Rena Selya
Cedars Sinai and The Program in the History of Medicine
Please join Rena Selya, Assistant Professor in the Program in the History of Medicine and CSMC Archivist, as she launches “Archiving COVID-19 at
CSMC,” a digital collection of documents, audio-visual materials, and in-depth oral history interviews that paint a vivid picture of our collective COVID-19 experience. Since the first COVID-19 patient in California was treated at Cedars-Sinai in January 2020, the work of every department and division at the Medical Center has been affected by the pandemic. Documenting its impact, reflecting on our response and drawing necessary lessons are crucial to our ongoing battle against COVID-19, and to confronting future public health challenges. Dr. Selya will present the archive and revisit some key pandemic moments with clinical trial coordinators Antonina Caudill and Susan Jackman and Director of Spiritual Care Rabbi Dr. Jason Weiner.
Contact us if you have questions or would like additional information about the History of Medicine Program.