Roger Horowitz, Chemical Heritage Foundation and Hagley Museum and Library

Chemical Heritage Foundation and the National Museum of American Jewish History

Thursday, March 18, 2010, 3:47 am EDT

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Place: Chemical Heritage Foundation

Advance registration is required by March 12.

Approximately half the items in American supermarkets are certified kosher. What led the food industry to embrace kosher laws and rabbis to study food chemistry? Did modern food change kosher, or did kosher change modern food? CHF Fellow Roger Horowitz, examines the science behind kosher, including the controversial cases of Coca-Cola and Jell-O.

CHF's Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry hosts a community of visiting fellows who establsh CHF as a leading research center in the history of chemistry and related sciences, technologies, and industries. The "Fellow in Focus" program spotlights research projects that deepen historical perspective and reveal chemistry in unlikely places.

Roger Horowitz is associate director of the Center for the History of Business, Technology, and Society at the Hagley Museum and Library and a Gordon Cain Fellow at CHF.