Stanley Plotkin, Emeritus Professor, University of Pennsylvania and The Wistar Institute

The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Section on Medical History

Thursday, November 4, 2010, 3:26 am EDT

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Place: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia


Co-sponsored by the Section on Medical History and the Francis Clark Wood Institute for the History of Medicine.

The Samuel X Radbill Lecture is presented in conjunction with the College of Physicians' History of Vaccines Web site, launching this fall.

Renowned vaccinologist Stanley A. Plotkin, MD, creator of the rubella vaccine used throughout most of the world, will trace the serendipitous beginnings of vaccinology in the 1700s to its flowering in the latter half of the 20th century. Dr. Plotkin, who was an instrumental figure in the development of polio, rabies, varicella, rotavirus, and cytomegalovirus vaccines, will highlight the relationship of vaccinology to industrial and technological developments, as well as the special role of Philadelphia institutions and researchers in vaccine development.

Dr. Plotkin is Emeritus Professor of the University of Pennsylvania and The Wistar Institute. His many professional awards include the Sabin Gold Medal Award; the French Legion of Honor Medal, and the Maxwell Finland Award for Scientific Achievement.