Zackary Biro (Science History Institute)

Science History Institute, Philadelphia, PA

Saturday, July 21, 2018, 5:00 pm EDT
Science History Institute 315 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 

Because we assume that human perspectives are varied and unreliable, algorithms and quantitative data collection often seem dedicated to “removing” subjective experiences from the equation. Why is that? How does a story change when you invite people’s lived experiences (collected through ethnography, oral history, and journalistic interviews) into the examination of a community? Join us for a discussion with Zackary Biro of the Science History Institute.

This event is part of a lineup called History lab, a series of free monthly seminars taking place from June through August. We’ll explore big questions from science and history that have immediate, real-world implications. Click here for more summer 2018 History Lab events.

This event is FREE, but registration is required. Click here to regsiter.