Daniel Kevles, Ruth Schwartz Cowan and Peter Westwick
An Albert M. Greenfield Forum at the Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine

In 2014, Ruth Schwartz Cowan, Daniel J. Kevles and Peter Westwick were invited to write the 150th anniversary history of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and were given unprecedented access to its extensive archival collection, much of which had never attracted scholarly attention. Their manuscript, tentatively titled The National Academy of Sciences in the American Democracy: A History is now very close to completion. The book is a contextual as well as an institutional history. It situates the Academy in both American and global history, covering the history of the natural and social sciences as well as engineering and medicine. It aims to weave the internal evolution of the Academy together with its impact on American government and society--and vice versa.
Please join us for a conversation with the authors about their fascinating and important book.
This event is free and open to the public. Registration is required.
Daniel Kevles
Stanley Woodward Professor Emeritus of History, History of Medicine & American Studies; Adjunct Professor, Law School
Yale University
Ruth Schwartz Cowan
Janice and Julian Bers Professor Emerita
History and Sociology of Science
University of Pennsylvania
Peter Westwick
Adjunct Research Professor of History
University of Southern California