K. Raj (EHESS), D. Ali (UPenn), P. Gomez (UWisc., Madison), E. Lean (Columbia), C. Mavhunga (MIT), J. Radin (Yale)
South Asia Center, UPenn; Consortium for HSTM (Philadelphia, PA)
Time: 9am – 2.30pm Venue: LGBT Center, University of Pennsylvania, 3907 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA Programme Session I – Local as Problem in the Early Modern World [9am – 11am] Speakers:- Kapil Raj, EHESS Daud Ali, UPenn Pablo Gomez, UWisc, Madison Chair:- Harun Kucuk, UPenn Session II – Local as Problem in the Modern World [11.15am - 1.15pm] Speakers:- Eugenia Lean, Columbia Uni. Clapperton Mavhunga, MIT Joanna Radin, Yale Uni. Chair:- John Tresch, UPenn PLEASE RSVP by 1st Dec.:- Projit B Mukharji, mukharji@sas.upenn.edu NOTE: The workshop is the second part of a two-day event. Visit here for information about activities on Dec. 3rd. This event is co-sponsored with the South Asia Center of the University of Pennsylvania.