Camille Robcis
Columbia University
Around the work
by Camille ROBCIS ,
Disalienation. Politics, Philosophy,
and Radical Psychiatry in Postwar France,
Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2021.
June 13, 2022, 5-7 p.m.
Sciences Po History Center, 1 Place Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin, 75007 Paris
The book Disalienation by Camille Robcis retraces the history of the current of thought of “institutional psychotherapy”, born at the psychiatric hospital of Saint-Alban, at the heart of the Second World War. From Tosquelles to Foucault via Fanon and Guattari, his story invites us to explore the links between radical psychiatry, philosophy, antifascism and anticolonialism. He thus reminds us that the psyche is political, but also that politics is a matter of the psyche. This discussion session will be an opportunity to explore some of the many lines of thought opened up by this book.
Session organized by
Anatole LE BRAS (post-doctoral fellow at the University of Strasbourg) and
Paul MARQUIS (IMAF postdoc, associate researcher at Sciences Po, CHSP) who will introduce this book presentation in the presence of the author:
Camille ROBCIS (Professor of History and French in the History Department of Columbia University, New York), specialist in intellectual, political and legal history of contemporary France.
The session is scheduled in French (with the possibility of questions/answers in English when interacting with the room)
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