Paolo Milani, University of Milano; Pamela Sankar, UPenn Center for Bioethics; and Ronald Rothman, Rothman Biomedica

Drexel University

Thursday, May 5, 2011, 11:00 pm EDT

A Roundtable at Drexel University, Thursday, May 5th, 6-8pm in MacAlister Hall Rm 2019 (Chestnut and 33rd Streets).

Join us for a panel discussion and conversation with Prof Paolo Milani (Physics, University of Milano), Prof Pamela Sankar (University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics) and Ronald Rothman (Rothman Biomedica), on the social, cultural and political conditions surrounding the commercial scale-up of innovations in biomedicine, nanobio, biotechnologies, and genomics. We welcome students and practitioners from all fields of science, engineering and the social sciences, as well as interested members of the public to join us in this interdisciplinary discussion.

Admission is free but RSVP is required. Light refreshments will be served. To RSVP, please send an email to Dr. Mary Ebeling {encode="" title=""} .

Organized by Mary Ebeling and Amy Slaton (Drexel University) and Darin Hayton (Haverford College). Support for this event generously provided by The Devereux Research Award for Young Faculty (College of Arts and Science, Drexel University) and the Masters Program in Science, Technology and Society (Department of History & Politics, CoAS, Drexel University).