Wagner Free Institute of Science
The Wagner Free Institute of Science is excited to announce our winter and spring 2015 course schedule. We are in our 160th year of offering these free adult evening courses in wide-ranging science topics. Our classes are taught at an introductory college level by local professors and experts, and they are held at a variety of locations throughout the city. Upcoming classes will cover topics such as the biochemistry of the senses, the periodic table, and developmental biology. Special botany-related classes on fungi and public parks are also being offered at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society—these botany classes require preregistration while other classes do not.
More details about the classes, including full syllabuses, dates, and professors, can be found on our website along with preregistration information for the courses at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society.
Link: http://www.wagnerfreeinstitute.org/edu_adult_sched.shtml
Spring courses summary:
“Fungi in the Garden”
Professor Karen Snetselaar
First class is Tuesday, January 20, followed by 5 Mondays, January 26 to February 23, 2015, 6:30-7:30 PM Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, 100 N. 20th St. (20th and Arch Sts.)
This course will look at a few groups of fungi that are particularly important to plants and to people who are interested in plants, including fungi that promote plant growth and those that cause diseases. Preregistration required. Pre-register online here or call 215-763-6529 ext. 23.
“The Periodic Table of Elements: How We Got It and How You Can Use It”
Professor Kevin Cannon
7 Mondays, February 2 to March 16, 2015, 6:30-7:45 PM
Falls of Schuylkill Neighborhood branch of the Free Library, 3501 Midvale Avenue (at Warden Drive).
After an introduction to atomic structure and the elements, this course will examine how the periodic table is used and provide a history of its conception and evolution. No pre-registration required.
“Biochemistry of the Senses”
Professor Joseph B. Rucker
6 Wednesdays, January 21 to March 4, 2015, 6:15-7:30 PM
Independence Branch of the Free Library, 18 S. 7th St.
This course will explore the molecules and mechanisms that enable us to see, hear, feel, smell, and taste the world. No pre-registration required.
“Introduction to Developmental Biology”
Professor Mary Beth Davis
6 Wednesdays, March 25- April 29, 2015, 6:15-7:30 PM
Independence Branch of the Free Library, 18 S. 7th St.
This course will offer a very basic introduction to the field of developmental biology, including the fundamental question of how a single cell can give rise to the multitude of cell types found in complex, multicellular animals. No pre-registration required.
“Public Parks and Public Health”
Professor David Hewitt
6 Tuesdays, March 31 to May 5, 2015, 6:30-7:30 PM
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, 100 N. 20th St.
This course will provide a broad overview survey of the changing wetlands and waterways of Philadelphia and look at how they have interacted with and been affected by the flora, fauna and human land use of the region. Preregistration required. Pre-register online here or call 215-763-6529 ext. 23.