Collection Ecologies intersects history and philosophy of science with the history of natural historical and medical collections, and environmental history. The concept of ecology offers new pathways into the history of collections, both to understand how collections can serve as archives and knowledge repositories in the history of the environment, but also by developing a reflection on collections as ecologies themselves. Reflecting on collections as ecologies in themselves enables the group to open up disciplinary boundaries in order to reassess the value, stabilization, transfer, loss, and transformational potential of bio-cultural collections to create new transdisciplinary methodologies. The sessions will consider the following questions as a starting point  - but not limited to this list-such as: how are museums, collections and affiliated infrastructures reimaging and configuring environments – virtually, digitally, and physically? What tensions arise from collecting, displaying, and reconstructing natural things that have shaped and continued to shape environments? Reversely, how have conceptions of the environment shaped the reconstruction of the natural things ex-situ, in museums? How can we think together about how materiality and practices intertwine and impact knowledge in times of environmental change?

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Participants will avoid any inappropriate actions or statements based on individual characteristics such as age, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, nationality, political affiliation, ability status, educational background, or any other characteristic protected by law. Disruptive or harassing behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. Harassment includes but is not limited to inappropriate or intimidating behavior and language, unwelcome jokes or comments, unwanted touching or attention, offensive images, photography without permission, and stalking.

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Upcoming Meetings

Thursday, March 13, 2025, 12:00 - 1:30 pm EDT

Leah Malamut, PhD candidate, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Title: Collecting Building Blocks for a Better Bee
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, USAmerican beekeepers looked to bring other bee species, namely Apis dorsata and Meliponini, to join the established Apis mellifera in North America. Some also hoped to hybridize those other species with A. mellifera to breed an optimized bee. Their efforts were stymied by the challenges of collecting and preserving live colonies in transit and outside their natural habitats. This presentation draws from the third chapter of my dissertation, which argues that the process eventually led American beekeepers to reject the value of other honey-producing bees in favor of their own A. mellifera, which they deemed the best of all possible bee species. I also suggest that global bee exploration blurs the boundary between scientific collection and commercial importation.

Thursday, April 10, 2025, 12:00 - 1:30 pm EDT

April 10, 2025
Dr Nathan Bossoh, Research Fellow in History at Southampton University (UK)
Title: Imperial Legacies and Decolonial Futures: Curating the 'Wellcome' African Medical Material
Abstract: In 1913 the businessman and collector, Sir Henry Wellcome (1853-1936), established the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum (WHMM) as one of the first museums in Britain to focus on the history of human health. Exhibitions in the WHMM were overtly shaped by Wellcome’s racial anthropological views, in particular placing African collected objects as primitive precursors to modern European ones. Wellcome’s legacy lives on today through his collection of over one million items - items which were transferred to numerous institutions by the Wellcome Trustees after Wellcome’s death in 1936. Between September 2022 and 2023 I worked as the African Collections Research Curator at the Science Museum, London where I was tasked with conducting a major collections-based investigation into the over 5000 ‘Wellcome’ African material transferred by the Wellcome Trustees in the 1970s. This investigation led to an over fifty-page Report that I produced appraising the collection and recommending steps for its future enhancement. My research on the ‘Wellcome’ African material led to further discussions with the Wellcome Collection which cemented plans to develop a new small display based around a specific case study item I had been exploring – the West African Kola nut plant – as part of my wider work at the Science Museum. Therefore, in this presentation, I will talk about my experience of conducting collections-based research on the ‘Wellcome’ African material and how this led to the opening of my current display The Kola Nut Cannot Be Contained hosted at the Wellcome Collection. Within this context I will discuss some of the challenges that came with working in museums steeped within imperial histories of scientific collecting, and how the Kola nut exhibition has functioned as an experimental space of decolonisation through its curatorial approach centred around ‘many stories about one object’ in contrast to the more typical ‘one story about many objects’.

Thursday, May 8, 2025, 12:00 - 1:30 pm EDT


Thursday, June 12, 2025, 12:00 - 1:30 pm EDT

Dominik Hünniger (German Port Museum Hamburg)
Anita Guerrini (Horning Professor in the Humanities Emerita at Oregon State University)
Title: Collection Ecologies Endeavour Special Issue Work-in-Progress Sesssion




Postponed : this presentation will be re-scheduled in late 2025.

Tiziana N. Beltrame, University of Padua, Italy
Yaël Kreplak, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Title: Conserving and transforming heritage. Enquiries in the storerooms.
A presentation of the book Les réserves des musées. Écologies des collections, Les Presses du Réel, Dijon, 2024.
Abstract: Inspired by science and technology studies, and combining museological and sociological approaches, the collective work we present questions the places, devices, materials and practices of professionals involved in the conservation of objects when they are not on display. We consider the relationship between their visible and invisible parts, the issues involving their storage and movement, and the work involved. Far from being a place where objects lie dormant between exhibitions, the storerooms have been transforming over decades. By moving out of basements, being managed by dedicated professionals and even opening up to the public, they are increasingly asserting themselves as conservation centers dedicated to the preservation and study of collections - like another center of the museum. Conservation implies the transformation of the ecology of collections, changes that also affect the meaning of what heritage is in practice. 
The introduction to the book (in French) is available here : (scroll down)
Tiziana N. Beltrame is an anthropologist, currently a research fellow at DiSSGeA (Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World), University of Padua, Italy. Her research focuses on conservation practices in art, ethnography, natural history and science museum collections.
Yaël Kreplak is a sociologist and lecturer at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Delphine Lévy Chair in ‘access to art and heritage’ & HiCSA laboratory), specialising in the analysis of conservation practices for works of art.

Past Meetings


Andrew Watson, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Saskatchewan and executive team member of the Network in Canadian History & Environment | Nouvelle initiative Canadienne en histoire de l'environnement (NiCHE).

January 9, 2025
Dr Abbi Flint, Postdoctoral Researcher in Poetry, Heritage and Community in the Faculty of English at University of Oxford (UK)
Dr Rose Ferraby, independent archaeologist and artist (UK)
Title: Fish Out of Water: Exploring the History, Meaning and Materiality of a Museum Mercreature
On 7 July 1906 an unusual object was donated to the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne’s Hancock Museum (Newcastle, UK), described by the curator at the time as a ‘grotesque “mermaid” from Japan’. Similar artefacts were widely exhibited as curiosities in western Europe and North America in the nineteenth century, most famously by the American showman P.T. Barnum under the title of the ‘FeeJee Mermaid’. Typically, they appeared to be the mummified remains of a creature with a front half that resembled a primate and a rear half that resembled a fish, and their exhibition attracted the interest of both natural scientists and wider publics alike. There are at least ten such artefacts in museums across the UK, often slipping between collection categories.
This paper will discuss a small project funded by the Newcastle University Catherine Cookson Foundation, which explored the history, materiality, and meaning of this museum mercreature. In particular, I was interested in how this artefact had made its way to Newcastle, the journeys it had made both physically and culturally; how and from what the artefact was constructed; its history within the museum; and, what meanings it held in the past and present. The project piloted an innovative approach, drawing together archival, scientific, and creative research methods (poetry and collage) to reveal the stories surrounding this fascinating object. The project surfaced further questions about how we think about, and with, speculative, hybrid artefacts like the mercreature – an object that sits between sea and land, between cultures, between species, and between collection categories – and its place in (un)natural histories.

Collection Ecologies Holiday Gathering!
Memes, Memories, & Museum Hazards 
As scholars studying natural history collections we intersect with all kinds of opportunities and challenges within museum spaces--from gaining access to collections or catalogues (if they exist), puzzling through institutional bureaucracy, and those joyous moments of serendipitous finds. For our last session of the year, we invite you all to join us for a momentary pause from work to connect, share, celebrate, and laugh with the Collection Ecologies working group community. To facilitate a conversation about our shared museum experiences, we will discuss a culturally significant aspect of digital media and communication, internet memes. Museums and other cultural institutions have tapped into this social forum through such meme hashtags as #MusMeme, #MuseumBums, and #MuseumHazards. Themes and sources drawn from museums, including specific objects and images, impact audience development and engagement with both the cultural benefits of museums, and ongoing thorny issues, such as repatriation and intellectual property. We will present a brief overview of the history of museum memes to consider how museums and heritage institutions might respond to popular memes, and how scholars might begin to approach memes as research subjects.
We would be thrilled if you wished to share your favourite meme, or an image from your scholarly endevours that made you laugh out loud, literally cry, or want to leave the archive. Please email Nuala at nfc231@nyu with your memes or images [with author credit] that will be shown during the session.


November 14, 2024 (***RESCHEDULED***)
Dr Katherine Arnold, Lecturer in Environmental History at University of Liverpool (UK)
Title: The Will of Welwitsch: African Botanical Collections and Ownership in the Late Nineteenth Century

Along the Atlantic coast of Namibia and Angola lies the Namib desert. Reported to mean ‘vast place’ and ‘an area where there is nothing’ in Khoekhoegowab, it contains some of the world’s driest regions and has been considered the oldest desert in the world. Amongst the Namib’s characteristic sand dunes, Austrian collector Friedrich Welwitsch became the first European to formally describe what would become one of the most famous plants ‘discovered’ in the nineteenth century - the Welwitschia mirabilis (Tumboa, n’tumbo [Angolan]). Welwitsch was so overwhelmed at first sight of the plant that he ‘could do nothing but kneel down […] and gaze at it, half in fear lest a touch should prove it a figment of the imagination’. The ‘discovery’ of Welwitschia made Welwitsch an overnight celebrity; European and colonial gardens vied for information and specimens from his unique Angolan collections. When he died in 1872, his will – written only two days before his death – threw European botany into chaos.
This paper will discuss the legal battle which ensued as a result of Welwitsch’s will, demonstrating how far European botanists would go to safeguard their power over the production of knowledge about plants and colonial environments. Though the will stated that a full set of his collections be left to the British Museum (Natural History), the expedition had been formally sponsored by the Portuguese government to investigate their colony of Angola. The King of Portugal (upon realizing their scientific value) brought a lawsuit against the British Museum in the English High Court. This became tangled by further extraneous animosities between the British Museum and Kew Gardens, as Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker eventually represented the Portuguese government’s side of the battle against the British Museum. This raises questions about what it meant to ‘own’ a collection, contributing to present debates about ownership in museums. This paper thus offers fascinating insights into what it meant to ‘control’ knowledge and the different actors and institutions who had a stake in that power in the nineteenth century.


Jules Skotnes-Brown, postdoctoral research fellow, University of St Andrews
Matheus Alves Duarte da Silva, postdoctoral research fellow, University of St Andrews.
Title : "Zoonotic Collecting” in Southern Africa and South America"
Abtract : Collections have played an important role in scientific understandings of diseases and their control in past and present, from anatomical collections assembled to study the natural history and taxonomies of human diseases, to zoological collections of disease reservoirs, to collections of microorganisms for pandemic preparedness, to teaching collections for the education of doctors, veterinarians, and lay publics. Extracting specimens, taxidermizing these, creating models and displaying them have been particularly important to the medical sciences. Simultaneously, outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics have played a critical, if underappreciated, role in the history of collecting. Outbreaks of zoonotic diseases provided zoologists with unprecedented funding and resources to collect rodents, mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and microorganisms. Finally, specimen collecting itself has, at times, provoked fears that the act of capturing and transporting specimens might result in outbreaks of zoonotic disease, sparking new biosecurity and biopolitical measures.
This session brings together two short papers on the history of “zoonotic collecting”. Jules Skotnes-Brown shows how a series of natural history collecting expeditions into Namibia for the British and Amathole Museums (1923-1929) served epidemiological and public health purposes through surveying potential reservoirs of plague in the region, and their ecological relations with humans. Matheus Duarte shows how studies on plague led by the Argentinian expert José Maria de la Barrera in several countries of South America in the 1950s constructed new ideas about plague ecology in the continent and contributed to the circulation of the local fauna of rodents and insects in and beyond South America.
** A set of suggested readings can be found at the bottom of this announcement **
Jules Skotnes-Brown is a historian of science, animals and the environment, and a postdoctoral research fellow at University of St Andrews. His book, Segregated Species: Pests, Knowledge, and Boundaries in South Africa, 1910-1948 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024) is a more-than-human history of pests, science, and segregation. He is currently working on a history of rats, plague, and economic infrastructure, 1890s-1950s.
Matheus Alves Duarte da Silva, is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of St Andrews in the United Kingdom. His research focuses on the global history of microbiology, tropical medicine, and disease ecology. He co-edited the books Rural Disease Knowledge and Beyond Science and Empire.


Katherine Arnold, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU München 

Title: The Will of Welwitsch: Collections as the Object of a Transnational Legal Battle
Along the Atlantic coast of Namibia and Angola lies the Namib desert. Reported to mean ‘vast place’ and ‘an area where there is nothing’ in Khoekhoegowab, it contains some of the world’s driest regions and has been considered the oldest desert in the world. Amongst the Namib’s characteristic sand dunes, Austrian collector Friedrich Welwitsch became the first European to formally describe what would become one of the most famous plants ‘discovered’ in the nineteenth century - the Welwitschia mirabilis (Tumboa, n’tumbo [Angolan]). Welwitsch was so overwhelmed at first sight of the plant that he ‘could do nothing but kneel down […] and gaze at it, half in fear lest a touch should prove it a figment of the imagination’.[1] The ‘discovery’ of Welwitschia made Welwitsch an overnight celebrity; European and colonial gardens vied for information and specimens from his unique Angolan collections. When he died in 1872, his will – written only two days before his death – threw European botany into chaos.
This paper will discuss the legal battle which ensued as a result of Welwitsch’s will, demonstrating how far European botanists would go to safeguard their power over the production of knowledge about plants and colonial environments. Though the will stated that a full set of his collections be left to the British Museum (Natural History), the expedition had been formally sponsored by the Portuguese government to investigate their colony of Angola. The King of Portugal (upon realizing their scientific value) brought a lawsuit against the British Museum in the English High Court. This became tangled by further extraneous animosities between the British Museum and Kew Gardens, as Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker eventually represented the Portuguese government’s side of the battle against the British Museum. This raises questions about what it meant to ‘own’ a collection, contributing to present debates about ownership in museums. This paper thus offers fascinating insights into what it meant to ‘control’ knowledge and the different actors and institutions who had a stake in that power in the nineteenth century.


Archiving Mollusks, Articulating Difference: Mollusks as Scientific Objects in Studies of Human Difference

Brooke Penaloza-Patzak, Marie Jahoda Fellow, Inst. for Economic & Social History, University of Vienna
Tamara Fernando, Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University

Abstract : Mollusks and their traces—fossil, food, refuse, commodity or bijouterie—are found from the heights of Prebético to the depths of the Gulf of Mannar, from the rivers of Unalaska to Hispaniola’s Bloodwood branches and nearly everywhere in between. The history of mollusk-based research intertwines environmental spaces, geologic eras, forms of knowledge, and ways of knowing. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, this strand of research also became deeply imbricated in studies of human development. This paper looks at how William Healey Dall (1845-1927) and James Hornell (1865-1949), naturalists from two consecutive generations working for unrelated extractive colonial ventures in dramatically different environs, brought natural history practices and frameworks used to study mollusk anatomy, distribution, classification, and development to bear on questions of human origin and cultural development. In both cases, colonial projects awakened by commercial and political interest in specific environs produced opportune circumstances for scientists enlisted to survey and monitor natural resources to turn their attention to human culture and development. Interweaving methods and considerations from the history of science, environmental studies, and museum anthropology, we take Dall’s Strait-based research and Hornell’s undertaken in the Gulf of Mannar as points of entry to discuss how and why specimen-based research facilitated the transfer of theories and practices between what we now consider the natural and human sciences, ethnology in particular, and how these and others projects like them endeavored to legitimize “expert” as opposed to indigenous knowledge about indigenous life and the material matter of the sea.



Please note the time change for this session!
Reevaluating Insects as Archives – Collection Ecologies as Multidisciplinary and Multipractice Conversation
Dominik Huenniger, German Port Museum, Hamburg
Karina Lucas Silva-Brandão, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change
Christian Reiß, Regensburg University
Xiaoya Zhan, Nanyang Technological University

Historically marginalized beings gain significance when networks of relations are redrawn through ecological sciences. These sciences are typically seen as working in or on “the field,” but natural history collections are used increasingly by scholars to readdress ecological questions. Natural history collections, understood as environments themselves, foreground both the materiality of specimens and the knowledges extracted from them in an ongoing discourse about the norms of scientific practices. Insects reevaluated as archives foreground possible sites of multidisciplinary research, with multifaceted potential for the history of science. With different disciplinary approaches to the study of small animals and the production of collections, history of science, archaeology, environmental history, and natural history are brought into conversation a forum on “Collection Ecologies” published in a Focus Section of Isis -  A Journal of the History of Science Society in March 2024. The participants of this exchange about collections as a web of relationships entailing regimes of value, epistemes of logistics, and bureaucratic and scientific practices explore how multidisciplinary knowledge of “natural” bodies can be formed around insect collections.  For the Collecion Ecologies CHSTM Working Group meeting they share their experience in collaborating on this forum.


"Captivity's Collections: Science, Natural History, and the British Transatlantic Slave Trade." 
Kathleen S. Murphy, Professor of History and Associate Dean for Student Success, California Polytechnic State University.
Cashews from Africa's Gold Coast, butterflies from Sierra Leone, jalap root from Veracruz, shells from Jamaica—in the eighteenth century, these specimens from faraway corners of the Atlantic were tucked away onboard inhumane British slaving vessels. Kathleen S. Murphy argues that the era's explosion of new natural knowledge was deeply connected to the circulation of individuals, objects, and ideas through the networks of the British transatlantic slave trade. Plants, seeds, preserved animals and insects, and other specimens were gathered by British slave ship surgeons, mariners, and traders at slaving factories in West Africa, in ports where captive Africans disembarked, and near the British South Sea Company's trading factories in Spanish America. The specimens were displayed in British museums and herbaria, depicted in published natural histories, and discussed in the halls of scientific societies. Grounded in extensive archival research on both sides of the Atlantic, Captivity's Collections mines scientific treatises, slaving companies' records, naturalists' correspondence, and museum catalogs to recover in rich detail the scope of the slave trade's collecting operations. The book reveals the scientific and natural historical profit derived from these activities and the crucial role of specimens gathered along the routes of the slave trade on emerging ideas in natural history.


Building an Inclusive Botany: The “Radicle” Dream
Makenzie E. Mabry, Nuala Caomhanach,  R. Shawn Abrahams, Michelle L. Gaynor, Kasey Khanh Pham, Tanisha M. Williams, Kathleen S. Murphy, Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis, Douglas E. Soltis, and Pamela S. Soltis
During the session the authors of the paper will discuss how this collaboration emerged, the goals for the paper, and share their experiences working across disciplinary fields as botanists and historians of botany. 
It is important to recognize how our current understanding of plants has been shaped by diverse cultural contexts, as this underscores the importance of valuing and incorporating contributions from all knowledge systems in scientific pursuits. This approach emphasizes the ongoing bias, including within scientific practices, and the necessity of discussing problematic histories within spaces of learning. It is crucial to acknowledge and address biases, even within scientific endeavors. Doing so fosters a more inclusive and equitable scientific community. This article, while not comprehensive, serves as a starting point for conversation and an introduction to current work on these topics. In response to a global dialog about systemic racism, ongoing inequalities, appeals to decolonize science, and the many recent calls for diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion, we draw on the narratives of plants to revisit the history of botany. Our goal is to uncover how exclusionary practices have functioned in the past and persist today. We also explore the numerous opportunities and challenges that arise in the era of information as we strive to establish a more inclusive field of botany. This approach recognizes and honors the contributions of historically marginalized groups, such as Black and Indigenous communities. We hope that this article can serve as a catalyst for raising awareness, fostering contemplation, and driving action toward a more equitable and just scientific community.


"Cameroon in Berlin. A collaborative assessment of collections and archives from the mammal collections in the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin"
with Paul Taku Bisong, MSc in Evolution, Ecology and Systematics from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, with a dissertation entitled "The Batanga Expedition in German 'Kamerun' (1887): The Role of the first 'Kolonialzoologe' Bernhard Weissenborn." He is the author of an assessment on the type material from "Kamerun" in the mammal collection of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.
and Catarina Madruga, postdoc researcher working on provenance research methods specific to colonial natural history collections; the connections between epistemologies of nature and the history of environment, empire, and zoological collections; and the political meanings of scientific localities in zoological catalogues and online repositories. 
Cameroon in Berlin is a case study for the development of decolonial methods to assess information on natural history collections, their associated collection management systems, archival materials and library resources. Instead of looking at a particular animal genus or species, or of taking a biographical approach, we used the colonial political unit of German “Kamerun” as the entry point to assess the collections in the mammal department, I - Collections, and the historical archive, II - Archives, of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN).
Cameroon in Berlin I. Collections is the report by Paul Taku Bisong detailing the work of the assessment of the specimens in the mammal collections of the MfN that were tagged in the digital databank as both with having information under the category “type status” and with reference of geographical collecting location as “Kamerun.” The available databank information was checked and enhanced with use of the manuscript accession catalogue, remaining inscriptions and labels, and other available publications and historical documentation. The result is a list of 91 specimens, with enhanced metadata, of different 31 described mammal species.
The 12 valid and available type-specimens were published in open access, with a discussion of the relevance of this work:
Cameroon in Berlin II. Archives, lists the thus-far identified archival materials relating to the historical collections of the Zoological Museum of Berlin, with reference to manuscript catalogues and inventories, of type-localities and of suppliers involved in the shipment of specimens from the territories of German "Kamerun." To complement this, we added a list of identified suppliers and of the localities of shipments that were identified as including type-specimens. In order to be able to discuss real “access” to these documents, we describe and de-codify as much as possible of the underlying contexts of extraction, display, and management of zoological collections. We hope other researchers will find this provisional assessment of the materials useful, especially those interested in the dislocation of people and nature from the geographical collecting to this particular configuration of Cameroon in Berlin.

“Field/Work in the Archive: Herbaria as Sites of Cultural Exchange”
with Martha Fleming
Museologist, historian of science and of collections, Associate Professor, Natural History Museum of Denmark
Abstract: Martha Fleming will discuss the aims, research methods, and preliminary findings of the project of the same title for which she is the Principal Investigator.  Field/Work investigates the global cultural historical value of elements of the dried plant collection of 'Herbarium C' -- the Danish national herbarium held at the Natural History Museum of Denmark.  Significant elements of the collection are colonial in nature, and the project thus aims to conjoin history of science, history of collections, collections-based research, and global and colonial histories.
Bio: Martha Fleming is a museologist, an historian of collections, and an historian of science with a particular focus on natural historical and correlative scientific collections and archives. Her current research investigates the creation and management of natural history collections as significant forms of knowledge producing practices embedded in globalised colonial contexts.  Fleming was instrumental in the creation of the Centre for Arts and Humanities Research at London’s Natural History Museum (2009-2011), a research centre that has since been held up as a model internationally for the productive integration of the methods and rigour of humanities and social science disciplines into life science research contexts.


Conveners’ introduction : “Introducing the Collection Ecologies Working Group”
with Catarina Madruga
Historian of zoological collections Centre for Humanities of Nature, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Nuala  P. Caomhanach
Historian of  science, evolutionary biologist and doctoral candidate, New York University & American Museum of Natural History
Déborah Dubald
Historian of science and health, lecturer at the University of Strasbourg
Dominik Hünniger
Historian of museums, natural history and the environment, curator for innovation research, German Port Museum Hamburg

Abstract: This session will introduce the aims and methods of the Collection Ecologies collective so far. Following a brief presentation by Dominik Hünniger, founder of the collective, any member of the working group will be invited to present an image, an object or a collection and how it resonates with the “Collection Ecologies”.
Note : please bring an object, image or a collection for a 2 minute presentation!

Group Conveners


Katherine Arnold

Katherine Arnold is Lecturer in Environmental History at the University of Liverpool. She is a historian of the German, British, and Dutch Empires, the history of science and environment, and global history in the long nineteenth century. She is primarily interested in subjects related to natural history collecting and collections; nonhuman and multispecies histories; museums; botany and botanic gardens; taxonomic debates; and biodiversity loss and climate change. Katherine holds BA degrees in history and anthropology from the University of South Carolina, an MA in European history from University College London, and has undertaken research through affiliations with the University of Cape Town and Freie Universität Berlin. She completed her PhD in international history at the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2021 and was previously Director of Academic Programs at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (LMU München). 



Nuala Caomhanach

Nuala Caomhánach is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of History at New York University and the Invertebrate Zoology Department at the American Museum of Natural History. Her dissertation examines the relationship between scientific knowledge, climate change, and conservation law in Madagascar. She illuminates how changes in the botanical sciences of ecology and phylogenetics have affected conservation ideology, policy, and practice. She is a contributing editor at the Journal of the History of Ideas Blog both inviting and editing article submissions, and writing blog posts. She contributes to the Journal of the History of Ideas's Broadly Speaking Series. She co-produces the Not That Kind of Doctor podcast with Dr. Grace East. The podcast invites PhD students and early career scholars to discuss their research in an informal manner.



Deborah Dubald

Déborah Dubald is a Lecturer in the History of science and health at the University of Strasbourg, with a specialty in the history of material cultures of nature, science and health. She holds a PhD in History from the European University Institute in Florence (2019), entitled “Capital Nature: a History of French Municipal Museums of Natural History, 1795-1870”, ( for which she won the James Kaye Memorial Prize in 2020. She is a member of the CollectionEcologies collective, with whom she examines relations between history of collections, material cultures of nature and science, and environmental history.She recently co-edited with Catarina Madruga (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin) a special issue for the Journal of History of Knowledge It was published at the end of 2022 and is entitled “Situated Nature: Field collecting and local knowledge in the nineteenth century” ( current research is split between the writing of her first book on the French natural history museums in 19th century France, and a new project on the uses of medical collections, especially human remains but not exclusively, in academic (research and teaching) practices from 19th to 21st century.



Catarina Madruga

Historian of zoological colonial collections held in European museums with origin in the African continent, Catarina Madruga defended her PhD in the University of Lisbon titled "Taxonomy & Empire. Zoogeographical knowledge on Portuguese Africa, 1862-1881" in 2020. Together with Déborah Dubald she edited the special issue for the Journal for the History of Knowledge "Situated Nature," in 2022: With Katja Kaiser, she published, in 2024, "Tagging Objects from Colonial Contexts" She has previous training in Museum Studies and work experience in both Exhibition Design and Museum Education.  ​


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