This working group explores the application of medical history in clinical medicine, health education, medical science, health policy, and global/public health. It aims to create a transdisciplinary conversation that focuses on active engagement. By bringing together scholars, learners, archivists, healthcare professionals, and activists, the working group strengthens existing connections and creates networks committed to translating insights from the history of medicine and health into tangible interventions addressing pressing medical and societal challenges. Recent historical events have provided a new urgency to not only expose historically entrenched structures of health-related disparities, discrimination, and systemic harm, but to work actively towards their dismantling. Building on a long history of engaged scholarship in the history of medicine, the group provides a space for new ways of thinking about medical history as an applied discipline.

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Upcoming Meetings

Friday, February 21, 2025, 12:00 - 1:30 pm EST

Teaching Global Health History

This session will cover the opportunities and challenges of teaching the history of global health to students in public health/ health-related fields.

 Confirmed Panelists:

Melissa Graboyes (University of Oregon)

Mariola Espinosa (University of Iowa)

Friday, March 21, 2025, 12:00 - 1:30 pm EDT

UCLA Heat Lab
Bharat Venkat (UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics)

Friday, April 18, 2025, 12:00 - 1:30 pm EDT


Friday, May 16, 2025, 12:00 - 1:30 pm EDT


Friday, June 20, 2025, 12:00 - 1:30 pm EDT


Past Meetings




Reading Session
For this meeting we will be reading and discussing three short articles (each part of special issues) dealing with global heath histories and global health humanities. You may find a zipped folder with the readings below.
1. Melissa Graboyes, Daphne Gallagher, and Jennifer Tappan, "Introduction to the Special Section: Histories of Global Health in Africa"
2. Tamara Giles-Vernick, "Postscript: A pandemic read on African health and environmental histories"
3. Narin Hassan and Jessica Howell, "Global Health Humanities in transition"


Panel on Recent Books on the History of Global Health
A discussion with four authors on their recent books on the history of global health/ global health studies. 
Yi-Tang Lin - Statistics and the Language of Global Health: Institutions and Experts in China, Taiwan, and the World, 1917-1960 (Cambridge University Press, 2022) 
Carolina Matos - Gender, Communications, and Reproductive Health in International Health and Development (McGill-Queen's University Press, 2023)
Heidi Morefield - Developing to Scale: Technology and the Making of Global Health (Chicago University Press, 2023)
Kirsten Moore-Sheeley - Nothing But Nets: A Biography of Global Health Science and Its Objects (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023)


Vaccines and Society Unit - University of Oxford
This session will look at the work of the Vaccines and Society Unit, hosted at the Oxford Vaccine Group. The unit is a multidisciplinary research center that aims to improve understanding of the roles played by individuals and groups in their interaction with healthcare practice and medical research, particularly with regard to vaccination. The group draws on a variety of disciplines and engages with health scientists to produce research that bridges public health issues through policy advice, interventions, and public engagement.
Panelists: Samantha Vanderslott (Unit Lead, Vaccines and Society Unit)
Recommended viewing: "Typhoidland", - Public Engagement with the History of Typhoid 


Eugenics and Its Afterlives: The Anti-Eugenics Collective at Yale University
We are absolutely delighted to host students in the Anti-Eugenics Collective at Yale (AECY) with Professor Daniel Martinez HoSang. As more colleges and universities have begun to formally confront and acknowledge the ways that eugenic science and other racial and colonial projects have shaped their formation, new models of collaborative teaching, learning and research have emerged that center the insights and questions of students. This talk will draw on student-centered examples of research and pedagogy in the AECY. In these projects, students have drawn on institutional archives to produce public facing projects that trace the university’s role in deepening social inequalities within surrounding communities. Audiences for these efforts have included students in public high schools in New Haven, medical students, and psychiatry and pediatrics residents at Yale. 
Confirmed Presenters:
Daniel Martinez HoSang, Yale University


How to Make a Humanities Lab
What is a humanities laboratory? Why are they useful? And what goes into starting and running one? For this session, Professor Natalie Lira is returning to our working group to discuss logistics, strategies, and practical concerns that come with running a historically oriented laboratory in a university. Specifically, she will share valuable insights from her time as Co-Director of the Sterlization and Social Justice Lab based at the University of California Los Angeles. This workshop would provide an opportunity for us to discuss how to start and run a humanities lab, from funding and lab space to the ins and outs of lab management. 
Confirmed Presenters
Natalie Lira (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)


Lancet Commission on Medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust: Implications for Today, Teaching for Tomorrow
This session will discuss a recent report and associated work by the Lancet Commission on Medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust--a group of historians and other scholars dedicated to incorporating the history of medicine under Nazism and the Holocaust into the education of health care students and professionals today. Presenters will introduce the Commission, its work, and the findings of its report. You can take a look at the following to see some of the Commission's recent publications in The Lancet:
Confirmed Presenters:
Sari J. Siegel
Matthew Wynia


How To Do History as a Clinician, PART 2: Identifying Barriers and Imagining Solutions
Are you interested in a medical career but also have a love for historical research? There are many possible training and career paths for clinicians who also do historical research and teach medical history. This session will build on our initial discussion from the Fall to identify barriers and obstacles to doing history as a clinician and imagining solutions. The first half will involve open discussion among participants about the challenges to doing history as a clinician at various levels of training, from undergraduate and medical school to residency and early career. The second half will feature panelists who will identify organizations attempting to address those challenges. The goal is to identify concrete steps to make history and clinical work more accessible.
Panelists: Nora O’Neill, Jonathan Kuo
Note: You do NOT need to have attended Part 1 to attend Part 2.


“Pharmaceutical Captivity, Epistemological Rupture, and the Business Archive of the British Slave Trade” with Prof Carolyn Roberts
For our first session of the new year, we will be reading and discussing Professor Carolyn Roberts’ excellent new article “Pharmaceutical Captivity, Epistemological Rupture, and the Business Archive of the British Slave Trade” published in Business History Review. Professor Roberts will be joined by two respondents: historian-activist Kenya Loudd, who studies race and disability, and Dr. Amanda Calhoun, a psychiatrist, researcher, and advocate. After their comments, we will open up for question and answer with Prof Roberts and respondents. The article is attached here. We hope to see you there!
Author: Carolyn Roberts
Respondents: Kenya Loudd, Amanda Calhoun


Sterilization and Social Justice Lab
In this session we will hear from members of the Sterilization and Social Justice Lab about their work to use history of eugenics and sertilization in the U.S. to uncover and help redress past abuses. They have circulated two articles for optional reading ahead of their presentation (see below).
Confirmed Panelists: Natalie Lira, PhD and Marie Kaniecki, MPH


How to Do History as a Clinician: A Panel Featuring Current Medical Students and Early Career Clinicians
Are you interested in a medical career but also have a love for historical research? There are many possible training and career paths for clinicians who also do historical research and teach medical history. The panel will consist of current students as well as early career clinicians who took different paths to becoming clinician historians. We'll discuss combined training programs, including MD/PhD and MA programs and more.
Panelists: Nora O'Neill, Joshua Glahn, Leigh Alon, Lisa Haushofer 


Group Discussion: Processing and Planning for Next Year


Podcasting Applied Medical History
This session brings together scholars who have succeeded in creating broader conversations about the history of medicine and the social, racial, and economic determinants of health through the medium of podcasting.
Confirmed Panelists:
Matthew Smith (University of Strathclyde): Producer/Host, "History in Action" Podcast
Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako (Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA): Producer/Host, "Flip the Script" Podcast
Jacqueline Wolf (Ohio University): Producer/Host "Lifespan: Stories of Illness, Accident and Recovery" Podcast


Teaching Under Adversity
This session will explore the challenges of teaching critical topics in the history of medicine in unreceptive, unsupportive, or unfriendly contexts, and the ways people have tried to navigate these challenges.
Confirmed panelists:
Adam Biggs (Rutgers University; University of South Carolina Lancaster)
Joseph Gabriel (Florida State University)
Courtney Thompson (Mississippi State University)


Community History without Historians: a New Haven Case Study


Reproductive Justice


Teaching History of Medicine to Future and Current Medical Professionals


Emerging Priorities in Applied Medical History
In this panel discussion, current and former Nursing/MD-PhD students will reflect on their professional trajectories, consider the relationship between health care practice, research, and teaching, and discuss emerging priorities in Applied Medical History.
Confirmed panelists are:
Ravenne Aponte
Sydney Green
Marco Ramos


‘Applied Medical History:’ Taking Stock
In this session, we will look back at scholarship that has been particularly influential to 'Applied Medical History.' In a panel discussion, we will hear from pioneers doing translational social sciences and humanities research as well as activist work in the field of healthcare and health policy. This will be followed by general discussion and questions.
Confirmed panelists are:
Prof. Jacalyn Duffin
Prof. Julie A. Fairman
Prof. Helena B. Hansen
Prof. Beatrix Hoffman
The (optional) readings provided offer snippets of each panelist's voluminous work; we encourage you to explore more of their scholarship on their respective websites.
We look forward to hopefully seeing you there!


Meet and Greet

Group Conveners


Lisa Haushofer

Lisa Haushofer, MD PhD, is a medical doctor and a historian of food, science, and medicine. She is currently Senior Research Associate at the Chair for the History of Medicine and the Center for Medical Humanities at the University of Zurich. She holds an MD from Witten-Herdecke University, an MA from University College London, and a PhD from Harvard University. Her first book, Wonder Foods: The Science and Commerce of Nutrition was published with California University Press in December 2022.



Kirsten Moore-Sheeley

Kirsten Moore-Sheeley, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the Program in the History of Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. She received her PhD in the History of Medicine in 2018 from Johns Hopkins University along with a Certificate in Global Health from the JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health. She has published some of her research in Social History of Medicine is currently completing her first book, Nothing But Nets: A Biography of Global Health Science and Its Objects, under contract with JHU Press.



Marco Ramos

Marco Ramos, MD PhD, is a Psychiatry Resident and Lecturer in the History of Medicine at Yale University. His historical research focuses on mental health, activism, and revolutionary politics in Latin America. His writing has appeared in clinical, academic, and popular journals, including The American Historical Review, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, JAMA, Lancet, and Boston Review. He is currently working on turning his dissertation into a book, tentatively titled Specters of Justice: Mental Health and Terror in Cold War Argentina. He will start as Assistant Professor in the Program for the History of Science and Medicine at Yale University in July 2022.



Carolyn Roberts

Carolyn Roberts, PhD, is a historian of medicine and science at Yale University. She holds a joint appointment in the departments of History/History of Science and Medicine, and African American Studies. Dr. Roberts also holds a secondary appointment at Yale School of Medicine in the Program in the History of Medicine. Her research interests concern the history of race, science, and medicine in the context of slavery and the Atlantic slave trade. Dr. Roberts is currently working on a book manuscript, To Heal and To Harm: Medicine, Healthcare, and Slave Trading in the British Atlantic World, which is under contract with Harvard University Press. She is also a popular workshop leader and speaker who brings critical historical perspectives to anti-racism interventions in science, medicine, and public health. Dr. Roberts has contributed to institutional efforts to diversify STEM, including anti-racist pedagogy and curricula with a variety of corporations, non-profit organizations, and institutions.


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