This working group will cultivate a community around a growing (and notably interdisciplinary) field of research. While a large literature of published work on the history of the cognate areas of film, media, and communication has accumulated over the last 40 years or so, there is nothing like a community or subfield in the manner of the history of psychology, economics, or sociology. Indeed, historical work on the media fields is notably cut off from better established fields in the history of social science, with which it often intersects. Connections with the far less developed history of the humanities are also awaiting development, since major strands of media, communication, and especially film studies have their origins in, and are oriented toward, the humanities.

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Upcoming Meetings

Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 10:00 - 11:00 am EST

In this session, we will read and discuss Katharine Gerbner's selected posts from her ongoing project on her grandfather, George Gerbner.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 10:00 - 11:00 am EDT


Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 10:00 - 11:00 am EDT


Past Meetings


In this session, we will read Nils Gilman's “The Cold War as Intellectual Force Field" and Arvind Rajagopal's “Cold War Communication: A Global History."


In this session, we will read Robert T. Craig's “For a Practical Discipline” (2018) and Sarah Cordonnier's “Constituted and Constituting Exclusions in Communication Studies”.


In this session, we will read Richard Levins's “Dialectics and Systems Theory” (1998) and Angela Xiao Wu's “Journalism via Systems Cybernetics: The Birth of the Chinese Communication Discipline and Post-Mao Press Reforms”.


In this session, we will read Armond Towns's “Toward a Black Media Philosophy” (2020) and Wendy Willems's “Re-Reading Habermas in the Context of Slavery and the Slave Trade."


In this session, we will read Peter Decherney's “The Museum of Modern Art and the Roots of the Cultural Cold War” (2005) and Nathaniel Brennan's “Content Analysis, Inc.: Producing and Managing Cultural Intelligence at the Museum of Modern Art.”


In this session, we will read Hemant Shah's “Lerner at Columbia: The Voice of America’s Turkey Studies” (2011) and Jülide Etem's “US Government-Sponsored Audience Reception Research in Turkey and Modernization through Educational Films.”


In this session, we will read David Hollinger's "The Knower and the Artificer" (1987) and Pete Simonson's "Peirce, Nietzsche, and the Modernist Reinvention of Rhetoric".


In this session, we will read Peter Galison's “The Ontology of the Enemy: Norbert Wiener and the Cybernetic Vision” (1994) and Katie Bruner's “Seeing the Unforeseen: The Compton Reforms and the Edgerton Flash Unit, 1939-1945”.


In this session, we will read Margaret Rossiter's “The Matilda Effect in Science” (1993) and Leonarda García-Jiménez and Esperanza Herrero's “Including Female Voices in the Stories We Tell About Communication Research: Memories and Narratives of Women in Academia.”


In this session, we will read Maria Löblich (a member) and Andreas Scheu, "Writing the History of Communication Studies: A Sociology of Science Approach" (2011) and a working paper by two of our members, Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz and Sarah Cordonnier, "French and German Theories of Communication: Comparative Perspectives."


In this session, we will read Robert Dahl's “The Behavioral Approach in Political Science: Epitaph for a Monument to a Successful Protest” (1961) and Fenwick McKelvey's “The Modelled American Voter,” draft chapter of VOTER_MACHINE_WORLD: America’s Quest for Computer Models of Elections and  World Affairs. (Note: Also included is the introduction to book section that the draft chapter will appear in. We plan to discuss the entire chapter as well as this introduction, but given the document’s length we will foreground the first of the three models discussed (pages 2 to 18 in the chapter draft) in our discussion.)


In this session, we will read Erik Vroons' “Communication Studies in Europe: A Sketch of the Situation around 1955” (2005) and a working paper authored by one of our members, Hynek Jeřábek, “How Empirical Social Research Gained Ascendancy in Post-war France.”


In this session, we will read Robert Alun Jones' “The New History of Sociology” (1983) and a working paper authored by one of our members, Jeff Pooley, “The Declining Significance of Disciplinary Memory: The Case of Communication Research.”


In this session, we will read Jamie Cohen-Cole's “Instituting the science of mind: intellectual economies and disciplinary exchange at Harvard’s Center for Cognitive Studies” (2007) and a working paper authored by one of our members, Katya Babintseva, “From Control to Freedom and Back Again: the PLATO Computer and Cognitive Psychology in the 1960s-1970s.”


In this session, we will read Perrin Selcer, “The View From Everywhere: Disciplining Diversity in Post–World War II International Social Science” (2009) and a draft paper authored by one of our members, Sarah Nelson, “A Dream Deferred: Unesco, American Expertise, and the Eclipse of Radical News Development in the Early Satellite Age.”
Note: Download the two readings as a single zip file in the “Readings” tab in the upper right.


In this third session, we will read Gustavo Sorá and Alejandro Blanco, “Unity and Fragmentation in the Social Sciences in Latin America” (2018) and a draft paper authored by one of our members, Raúl Fuentes-Navarro, “Latin American interventions to the practice and theory of communication and social development: on the legacy of Juan Díaz-Bordenave.”
Note: Download the two readings as a single zip file in the "Readings" tab in the upper right.


In this second session, we will read Johan Heilbron, Nicolas Guilhot, and Laurent Jeanpierre, "Toward a Transnational History of the Social Sciences" (2008) and a draft paper co-authored by one of our members, Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz (and Adam Kendon), "The Natural History of an Interview and the Microanalysis of Behavior in Social Interaction: A Critical Moment in Research Practice".
Note: Download the two readings as a single zip file in the "Readings" tab in the upper right.


In this initial session, we will read the introduction to Roger Backhouse and Philippe Fontaine, eds., A Historiography of the Modern Social Sciences (2014) and a draft paper from one of our co-conveners, Dave Park, "The Pre-History of ICA: NSSC, the Communication Course, and the Field of Communication in the Mid-20th Century."
Note: Download the two readings as a single zip file in the "Readings" tab in the upper right.

Group Conveners


Dave Park

David Park (PhD, University of Pennsylvania) is professor of communication at Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL. His scholarship addresses historical topics in communication and media studies, with an emphasis on the history of communication associations, media history, and scholarly communication. He is the reviews editor for New Media & Society, the founder of the Communication History Division of the International Communication Association, and the series editor for the Critical Introduction to Media and Communication Theory series at Peter Lang publishers. He is the author of Pierre Bourdieu: A Critical Introduction to Media and Communication Theory (Peter Lang, 2014). He has also co-edited The History of Media and Communication Research (Peter Lang, 2008), The Long History of New Media (Peter Lang, 2011), The International History of Communication Study (Routledge, 2015), Communicating Memory and History (Peter Lang, 2018), and The Inclusive Vision: Essays in Honor of Larry Gross (Peter Lang, 2018).



Jeff Pooley

Jeff Pooley (PhD, Columbia University) is affiliated professor of media & communication at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA, and lecturer at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. His research interests center on the history of media research within the context of the social sciences, with special focus on the early Cold War behavioral sciences. He is author of James W. Carey and Communication Research: Reputation at the University’s Margins (Peter Lang, 2016), and co-editor of The History of Media and Communication Research (Peter Lang, 2008), Media and Social Justice (Palgrave, 2011), and Society on the Edge: Social Science and Public Policy in the Postwar United States (Cambridge University Press, 2021). He is co-founder of the Society for the History of Recent Social Science, and has published articles and book chapters on a range of related topics.



Pete Simonson

Pete Simonson (PhD, University of Iowa) is professor emeritus of communication at the University of Colorado Boulder. His research centers on the international history of communication and media studies, intellectual history, feminist historiography, and the interdisciplinary connections of rhetoric with philosophy, political theory, sociology, and anthropology. He is the author of Refiguring Mass Communication: A History, and editor or co-editor of The International History of Communication Study, The Handbook of Communication History, and Politics, Social Networks, and the History of Mass Communications Research: Re-Reading Personal Influence. Together with Jeff Pooley and Dave Park, he co-edits the scholar-run, open access journal History of Media Studies. 


241 Members

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