The History and Sociology of Science Department at the University of Pennsylvania will host the Workshop for the History of Environment, Agriculture, Technology, and Science (WHEATS) from March 15-17, 2013. This event will bring nine graduate students from around the country to Penn for a series of events, chief among them a day-long collaborative workshop of an interdisciplinary group of article-length papers. There will also be a keynote talk delivered by Dr. Conevery Bolton Valencius hosted by the Chemical Heritage Foundation on Friday night, a publishing workshop on Sunday morning, and a curated field trip to Bartram's Garden on Sunday afternoon.

We would like to invite you to join the conversation and participate in any or all of the events we have planned for the weekend of WHEATS. In order to get a headcount, as well as a roster of those who will require access to the precirculated papers, we are asking those who plan to attend to register in advance. Please visit the WHEATS website for more information, to read accepted abstracts, and to register:

Please feel free to circulate this information widely -- we welcome scholars of all stripes to join us for a weekend of rousing interdisciplinary dialogue and activities. Registration will close on March 1, 2013.

Many thanks, and we hope to see you in March!

Nadia Berenstein, Tamar Novick, and Ruth Rand
WHEATS 2013 organizers