The Cedars-Sinai Program in the History of Medicine is pleased to announce that our next six-week course, A History of Surgery, will meet Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 pm, May 1-June 5.  The course will be team-taught by the Program’s faculty.

This course will explore the history of surgery, as both a medical intervention and a unique specialty, with an emphasis on the conceptual, social, scientific, technological, and institutional factors leading to the creation of the modern discipline in the twentieth century. Specific topics will include the early origins and persistent questions of surgery, the advent of anesthesia and antisepsis, surgery’s relation to other medical specialties, presentations of surgeons in the public imagination, and the history of surgery at Cedars-Sinai. The last two meetings of the course will feature guest lecturers who will reflect on role of surgery during wartime and its present and likely future, respectively.
When: Wednesdays, 5-6:00 p.m. PT on Zoom
Dates: May 1- June 5, 2024
Instructors: Program in the History of Medicine Faculty
To enroll email
Visit the Program’s website for more information or email