Historians of biology (and related disciplines) are warmly invited to apply for the Sydney Brenner Research Fellowship. This year’s application deadline is 31 July, and we expect to make multiple awards this year to senior and/or junior scholars. Please apply here.
The Brenner fellowships offer stipends of up to $5,000 to fund travel and other expenses associated with work on a significant research project in the history of the life sciences. While proposed projects should draw on collections in the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives, fellowship funds may also be used to support other aspects of research and publication. 
The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory collections are very broad in scope, with extensive manuscript and photographic material encompassing activity around the world as well as at CSHL and several precursor institutions. While around a third of our collections are digitized and can be consulted online, many materials can only be viewed at the archive. Please see descriptions of the CSHL collections at the Archives homepage and consult detailed finding aids on CSHL ArchivesSpace.
Award Benefits
The Sydney Brenner Research Fellowship awards up to $5,000 (USD) to each recipient to support direct costs of completing the proposed project, which should include a period in residence at CSHL. While here, Brenner fellows will receive a work space in the Carnegie Library, complete access to our collections, and support from our team of archivists, librarians, and historians. If space permits, Brenner fellows will have the opportunity to rent accommodation on campus during their stay.
Who is Eligible?
The fellowship is open to scholars (at any career stage involving an ambitious book-sized research project), journalists, writers, filmmakers, and creative artists undertaking substantial research into the history of the life sciences using, but not necessarily limited to, the collections at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives. 
For more information on the Brenner Fellowships and other funding opportunities in the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Center for Humanities & History of Modern Biology, click here.
For questions, please contact:

Tricia Loria, Internship Coordinator, CSHL Center for Humanities & History of Modern Biology
