The University of Kansas Kenneth Spencer Research Library is pleased to announce the availability of three travel grants to facilitate research and use of the library’s collections. The amount available for each award is $1,500.

Eligibility Criteria:
Travel grants will be awarded to faculty, undergraduates, graduate students, or independent researchers living outside a 100 mile radius from Lawrence, Kansas. All three grants are open to U.S. and international researchers. Applicants must document a research agenda requiring the need for in-person access to materials held by Kenneth Spencer Research Library. Grant money may be used for travel, lodging, and other expenses while pursuing research at the library.

Award recipients may be asked to give a brief, informal presentation about their research topic during their visit.

Application Procedures and Deadlines:
To apply for a Spencer travel award, please complete and submit the online application. Applications must be submitted by January 2, 2024, for travel between March 1 and December 20, 2024. The awards committee will begin reviewing applications after the deadline, and applicants will be notified by February 16, 2024.