In its first 15 years, the Consortium has emerged as one of the leading organizations in the history of science, technology and medicine by developing a distinctive platform and set of programs that transcend traditional boundaries of disciplines, institutions and geography. These programs connect leading and emerging scholars to each other, and to the resources they use to advance and reshape their fields. The Consortium's public programs offer to non-specialist audiences novel insights and historical perspectives on pressing issues in science, technology and medicine. Membership in the Consortium continues to attract key research, educational and cultural institutions (current members listed here). Working together, we have:

  • awarded approximately 300 fellowships to researchers from across North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia
  • established an endowment for fellowships
  • hosted 50 online monthly working groups, which are attended each year by nearly 4,000 scholars from six continents
  • established a search hub to hold more than 6 million catalog records and 40,000 finding aids for the rare books, manuscripts and artifacts held in members' collections
  • recently produced 60 podcast episodes sharing our scholars' work with non-specialists
  • offered online resources for teaching, learning and research to nearly 70,000 visitors, who view more than 200,000 webpages each year.

Hosting the Consortium would place the host(s) at the center of a vibrant network that includes some of the world's top scholars and institutions, and would provide opportunities for collaborations advancing our shared goals. The Consortium welcomes creative suggestions for such collaborations.

A proposal for hosting the Consortium may come from a single institution or a group of institutions in partnership. Proposals will be evaluated for an optimal combination of:

  • how hosting the Consortium advances the purposes of the host institution
  • benefits of host location to Consortium programs
  • office space for five staff, including space for frequent meetings with video conferencing
  • office space for a flexible number of in-house fellows, ranging from two to five at any one time
  • subventions or in-kind support for core operating expenses and administrative functions.

Please send questions or responses to Babak Ashrafi, Consideration of proposals will start on January 15, 2024.