The Consortium is delighted to welcome the University of Kansas as a new member.
The KU Kenneth Spencer Research Library's history of science collections excel in ornithology, botany and taxonomy, and also holds important rare books such as Regiomontanus on Ptolemy's Almagest (1550) and Boyle's Some Considerations Touching the Usefulness of Experimental Natural Philosophy (1664-1671). Within the University Archives, the library also holds papers of prominent KU faculty members, including naturalist and taxidermist Lewis Lindsay Dyche (1857-1915) and chemistry professor E. H. S. Bailey (1848-1933).
The Clendening History of Medicine Library at the University of Kansas Medical Center holds around 45000 volumes pertaining to the history of medicine and its allied sciences. The Library's rare books holdings document the history of medicine, mainly in Western Europe and Britain, from the 15th century to the present. The collections are especially strong in areas related to anatomy, pathology and anesthesiology.