- Nicole Belolan (2014-2015 Research Fellow and 2017-2018 Fellow in Residence) published “‘Confined to Crutches’: James Logan and the Material Culture of Disability in Early America,” Pennsylvania Legacies, Vol. 17, No. 2 (Fall 2017): 6-11.
- Heidi Hausse (2014-2015 Dissertation Fellow) has accepted a position as assistant professor in early modern Europe in the History Department at Auburn University, to begin in August 2018.
- Jonathan Jones (2017-2018 Research Fellow) published “Then and Now: How Civil War-Era Doctors Responded to Their Own Opiate Epidemic,” The Civil War Monitor, November 3, 2017, https://www.civilwarmonitor.com/blog/then-and-now-how-civil-war-era-doctors-responded-to-their-own-opiate-epidemic, and was interviewed for a segment on NPR’s Boston affiliate WBUR: “As The Opium Trade Boomed In The 1800s, Boston Doctors Raised Addiction Concerns,” by Martha Bebinger, CommonHealth, August 1, 2017, http://www.wbur.org/commonhealth/2017/08/01/opium-history-addiction.
- Daniel Vandersommers (2017-2018 NEH Postdoctoral Fellow) published “Narrating Animal History from the Crags: A Turn-of-the-Century Tale about Mountain Sheep, Resistance, and a Nation,” Journal of American Studies, Vol. 51, No. 3 (August 2017): 751-777.