Rebecca Kamen in collaboration with Tim Chrepta

Library Company of Philadelphia

Tuesday, July 16, 2019, 9:30 pm EDT
The Library Company of Philadelphia1314 Locust StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19107, PhiladelphiaPA 19107

Rebecca Kamen is a sculptor and lecturer who studies the intersections of art and science.  Her internationally-exhibited artwork seeks ‘the truth’ through observation and is informed by wide-ranging research of cosmology, history, and philosophy. Her pieces connect common theoretical threads between various scientific fields to capture and re-imagine what scientists see.


She has studied at the Library Company of Philadelphia, Harvard University, and the Cajal Institute (Madrid), as well as has received fellowships and artist residencies from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Pollack Krasner Foundation, and National Institute of Health.


Kamen is currently the Artist in Residence in the Computational Neuroscience Initiative and Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania.


About the Artist Talk


Kamen will talk about her recent art and video project in collaboration with artist Tim Chrepta. PLOT celebrates lunar exploration and the Parkes Observatory (Australia) radio telescope to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission. She will discuss the research and development of PLOT and the significance of art as a vehicle for observing and capturing the moon prior to the advent of the camera. Kamen’s new interpretive artworks that transform historic lunar research into sculptural form will be discussed as well as exhibited. The PLOT project video created for an Australian Apollo 11 anniversary exhibition will also be shown.