Jonathan Weiner (Columbia University)
2017 Lorraine Grace Lectureship on societal issues of biomedical research, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (Cold Spring Harbor, NY)
In this lecture, sponsored by the Lorraine Grace Lectureship on societal issues of biomedical research, Jonathan Weiner, the Maxwell M. Geffen Professor of Medical and Scientific Journalism at Columbua University, will deliver a lecture titled "Long for this World: Writing About Immortality and Other Controversial Topics in the Science of Life." Jonathan Weiner is the author of The Beak of the Finch, winner of both the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Science. His other books about biology include Time, Love, Memory, winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for General Nonfiction, and a finalist for the Aventis Science Prize; and His Brother's Keeper, a finalist for Los Angeles Times Book Prize. His most recent book is Long for This World, a study of the biology of aging.
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