Anke Timmermann, Chemical Heritage Foundation

Philadelphia Area Center for History of Science, Regional Colloquium

Friday, May 9, 2008, 7:30 pm EDT

Location: The Franklin Institute, 222 North 20th Street Time: 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., with a social hour, drinks and hors d'oeuvres following the discussion. Your RSVP to {encode="" title=""} would be appreciated. Abstract: Many alchemists composed recipes for the philosophers' stone in the form of poetry: when copied from one manuscript into others, rhymes and rhythms kept the recipes as fresh as the ingredients for alchemical concoctions. At the May session of the Philadelphia Regional Colloquium in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, we will discuss how early modern alchemical recipes assisted the communication of theory and practice between alchemists, across the centuries. Anke Timmermann is a historian at the Chemical Heritage Foundation. She was awarded a PhD in History of Science at the University of Cambridge in 2007. She is currently working on a revision of her doctoral thesis (on which the PACHS talk will be based) for publication. Please download and post the event poster (PDF).