James R. Voelkel, Chemical Heritage Foundation
Chemical Heritage Foundation
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Place: 6th Floor Conference Room, Chemical Heritage Foundation
Information: 215-873-8289 or bbl@chemheritage.org
The Chymistry of Isaac Newton (www.chymistry.org) is a large-scale project funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities that will make all of Isaac Newton’s alchemical manuscripts available in an on-line edition. Initial transcriptions of all available manuscripts have been made and are in the final stages of editing. James Voelkel, who has been intimately involved with the project for many years, will discuss the technical difficulties of creating an on-line scholarly edition as well as the promises of digital humanities.
James Voelkel is curator of rare books at the Chemical Heritage Foundation and a senior advisory editor to the Chymistry of Isaac Newton Web project.