Keith Wailoo, Rutgers University
Drexel University School of Public Health
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Place: Drexel University, Center City, Hahnemann Campus
New College Building, Geary A, Auditorium
245 N. 15th Street, Philadelphia
This talk is part of the Drexel-Health Partners Public Health Grant Rounds Lecture Series. For information, call 215-762-4110
Keith Wailoo, a leading figure in the history of disease, health, and medicine, has written award-winning books and accepted prestigious recognition for his work on such topics as sickle cell disease, race, science, and medicine; the history of technology and disease; and the problem of inequality in American health and medical care. Wailoo is Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of History at Rutgers, the State University of New Jesey, where he is jointly appointed int he Department of History and in the Institute for Health, Health CAre Policy, and Aging Research. He is also Founding Director of the Center for Race and Ethnicity at Rutgers. He received his Ph.D. in 1992 from the University of Pennsylvania in the History and Sociology of Science.