University of Pennsylvania

Tuesday, December 10, 2013, 6:03 pm EST

Tuesday December 10


337 Cohen Hall

University of Pennsylvania


Join Professor Susan Lindee and her graduate class at the University of Pennsylvania as they present their evolving research projects that grew out of this Fall 2013 seminar focused on Cold War Technical Knowledge.


All papers are works in progress and feedback from the community will help these developing scholars move their ideas forward productively.

1:30-1:50  Jeff Nagle  “Marketing Nuclear Power:  The trade journal Nucleonics and the global emergence of the nuclear engineer, 1947-1977”

1:50-2:10 Jesse Smith, “ A Smile that Started with Nylon: DuPont Chemistry, Commerce, and Creativity at the 1964 World’s Fair”

 2:10-2:30 Katya Babintseva, “ Man, Machine, Society: Warren McCulloch in the Age of Cybernetics”

 2:30-2:50 Kate Dorsch, “The Condon Committee at the University of Colorado: The scientific study of UFOs” 

2:50-3:10 Tabea Cornel, "Desexualized Statistics:  J.W. Tukey’s Quest for Objective Validity in Reviewing the “Kinsey Report”


BREAK 3:10-3:20

3:20-3:40 Jason Chernesky,  “The (Disease) Fighting Quaker: Dr. Joseph Stokes Jr.’s Vexing and Problematic Role in Biomedical Research during the Cold War”

3:40-4:00  Luke Messac, “No opioids for the masses: international narcotics control and the impossibility of pain relief, 1945-2013”

4:00-4:20 Chris Muenzen,  “Tremors from the Periphery: Revolutionary Science and the Critique of the Soviet Geophysics Institute”

 4:20-4:40 Yakov Feygin, “Socialist in Form, International in Content? The Internationalization of Soviet Economics, the Kosygin Reforms and the Fate of Soviet Socialism”