Anne Kelly Knowles

Hagley Museum and Library

Friday, February 28, 2014, 12:00 am EST

Time: 7:00pm

Location: Soda House, Hagley Museum and Library

What could General Robert E. Lee see at Gettysburg, and how did his view of the battlefield influence his fateful decisions? How can visualizing the places and movements involved in the Holocaust help us better grasp its complexity? To what extent could early 19th-century industrialists comprehend the physical difficulties of developing Pennsylvania’s coal and iron industries? And how can today’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS) offer new insights into these events by mapping many kinds of information to reveal patterns and trends? Anne Kelly Knowles (Middlebury College) will answer these questions in this lecture. She is a pioneer in applying GIS to history, as shown in her books, Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS are Changing Historical Scholarship (2008) and Mastering Iron: The Struggle to Modernize an American Industry (2013).

Free and open to the public. R.S.V.P. requested, call (302) 658-2400, ext. 243 or email Carol Lockman, The lecture will be held in the Auditorium of Hagley’s Soda House building. Use Hagley’s Buck Road East entrance off Route 100 in Wilmington, Delaware.