Omar Nasim, University of Kent
UPenn, Program in Visual Studies and History and Sociology of Science
Time: 4:30pm
Location: Annenberg 110, 3620 Walnut St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
This talk looks at the relationship between new techniques of photographing the heavens and older sketching practices. It follows up Nasim's book, Observing by Hand: Sketching the Nebulae in the Nineteenth Century (Chicago, 2013). Co-sponsored by Program in Visual Studies and History and Sociology of Science.
On Friday April 17th, Dr. Nasim is leading a discussion on The Ornamental Mind: Optical Illusions and Primitive Decoration, at 2:00pm in Cohen Hall 337. If you wish to attend this seminar, please RSVP to Ian Verstegen ( to reserve your place and receive some background readings.