Chris Rorres, Drexel University

The Philadelphia Area Seminar on History of Mathematics (Villanova, PA)

Thursday, January 21, 2016, 11:00 pm EST

Time: 6:00 p. m. to 8:00 p.m.

Location: Saint Augustine Center Room 300, Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania.

We begin with conversation and a light supper (donation: $10.00). When the discussion lags, about 6:30 to 6:45, Professor Chris Rorres of Drexel University will speak on:

The Law of the Lever: Archimedes vs. Mach


Over a century ago Ernst Mach, the famous Austrian physicist and philosopher of science, wrote a blistering criticism of Archimedes' celebrated proof of the Law of the Lever. Mach accused Archimedes of overusing his "Grecian mania for demonstration" and succeeding in his proof only "by the help of the very proposition he sought to prove". His attack drew the expected objections from many historians and philosophers of science who, in turn, accused Mach of not understanding the subtleties of Archimedes' proof. I will give my own interpretation of this controversy from a mathematician’s point of view, concluding with my belief that, while Archimedes did indeed prove something, it can hardly be called a proof of the Law of the Lever.

Directions: Villanova University is located on route 30, Lancaster Avenue, just east of I-476.

Due to ongoing construction on the Saint Augustine parking lots, the usual parking slots for those driving to Villanova will not be available this Fall, and perhaps part of the Spring. Those members who drive to Villanova must park in the Main Lot. I have attached a map of the campus to show where this is (it's the large blue and white striped area marked "Parking"). I have also included a parking pass good for the upcoming meeting. This should be printed out and put on the windshield of your car. There will be a new pass for each meeting. [MAP AND PARKING PASS WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE NEXT ANNOUNCEMENT.]

The Main Lot has two entrances, one on Ithan Avenue and one on Lancaster Avenue. Please allow additional time to walk from the general lot to the Connelly Center.

At the Saint Augustine Center, enter and proceed to the rear and take the elevator to the third floor. Exit to the right, then turn left; Room 300 is directly on the opposite side of the building. From the St. Augustine Lot enter the Center via the doorway at the end of the lot. Turn right and follow the hallway to the elevators; take the elevator to the third floor. Follow the directions to Room 300 as above.