New York Academy of Medicine

Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 10:00 pm EST
Online Event, Register Here.

This will be a virtual event. Login information will be included in your confirmation email.


This event is free, but advanced registration is required.


Abstract Submission Deadline is Tuesday, January 16, 2024.

The New York Academy of Medicine Section on the History of Medicine and Public Health invites you to submit abstracts for presentation at the Fifteenth Annual History of Medicine and Public Health Night, to be held virtually on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. 


Preference will be given to papers addressing the relation between climate and health, historically considered. Topics may include morbidity and mortality, historic inequities, economics, social structure, political programs, literary and other artistic influences, and other areas. Abstracts on general topics in the history of medicine and public health are also welcome. 


Abstracts (not to exceed 250 words) should be submitted by Tuesday, January 16, 2024, together with authors’ contact details, titles, and affiliations, to Each submission will be reviewed by a committee comprised of Section members and staff of The New York Academy of Medicine. Selection will be based upon the quality of the submission, pertinence to the subject, and fit with other talks.


Selected speakers will be asked to prepare a presentation of not more than 12 minutes with an additional 3 minutes for questions/discussion.