Introductions, "Epistemic Transfer"
For this first meeting, we invite all participants to bring an image, slide, excerpt, artifact, or recording to share and discuss. We hope that these will help us introduce our interests to one another and, ideally, to frame the theme of epistemic transfer, which will guide our readings and presentations this year. With this thematic focus, our goal is to highlight historical interactions between the language sciences and other knowledge traditions, so we heartily welcome objects for show-and-tell that come from outside mainstream linguistics. Participants are encouraged to think about instances where transfers (e.g., of methods, concepts, tools, and norms) have been embraced, mediated, resisted, or even refused. To inform our discussion and analysis of these objects, we ask everyone to please read the essay "History of Science and History of Philologies" by Lorraine Daston and Glenn Most before coming to the meeting.