September 8, 2022 - First Round
- Presenter: Daniel Rebouças, Federal University of Bahia, Electric paths: chapters on the representations and social revolts of the electric tram (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil; 1897-1930)
- Moderator: Yovanna Pineda
Daniel Rebouças, Federal University of Bahia
Short Bio: Daniel Rebouças is doctor of history at the Federal University of Bahia. He is a group member of "History of Humour in Brazil (1989-1930)/ University of São Paulo, Brazil" and authored The City of Bahia and the Electricity: A political, economic, human and cultural approach, from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century (Salvador: Caramurê Publishing house, 2018).
Presentation title: Electric paths: chapters on the representations and social revolts of the electric tram (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil; 1897-1930)
Abstract: This essay examines the social and political relations between part of the population of Salvador, capital of the State of Bahia, and one of the greatest electrical inventions of the late 19th century: the electric streetcar. From the immense initial expectations around the new means of transport, the article shows how this invention came to be seen – and represented – as a synonym of violence, social oppression and a symbol of the nationalist struggle, in the 1930s. For this, I will mainly use series of photographs deposited in the Siemens Museum Archive, in Berlin, in the Neoenergia Archive, an electric energy company in Bahia and in the Public Archive of the State of Bahia.
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