Dear Working Group members, please join us next Thursday, December 17th @2PM EST for our first Lightning Round- and our last 2020 session.
The lineup looks great, take a look!
Dr. Lucas Erichsen (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
"Voracious History: Meat Consumption and Public Slaughterhouses
in Rio de Janeiro (1777-1881)"
Maria Paula Andrade (Vanderbilt University)
"The Jailed Poor and the Making of Brazilian Public Health
from the Margins, 1834-1852.”
Jayson Maurice Porter (Northwestern University)
"Oilseeds and Slippery Slopes: Political Ecology and Environmental
Change in Guerrero, Mexico, 1930-1980.”
Clara Cuevas (El Colegio de México)
“'Un poco de sangre’: una historia de la venta de sangre
en México, 1950 - 1987.”
Verónica Uribe del Aguila (University of California, San Diego)
“The Maker” in La Maquila: Digital Manufacturing Technologies
and the Promise of Flexible Labor in Mexico."
Francisco Tijerina (Washington University in St. Louis)
“Mundos en común y literaturas postautónomas en las
configuraciones del neoextractivismo mexicano.”