Invitation for Proposals to Workshop: Exploring Voice and Narrative in Environmental History
Workshop Date: April 25, 2025
Location: Massachusetts, United States
Subject Fields: Environmental History / Studies
Are you grappling with a multi-species perspective? Do you have trouble figuring out the many scales and interwoven timelines of environmental history or the multi-sited complexities of transnational and global history? We invite applications to a one-day workshop in April 2025 at the Seminar in Environmental and Agricultural History (SEAH) at MIT. Participants will each have the better part of an hour to workshop a 5,000-word text from a recent dissertation project. Applicants can be close-to-completion ABD or recent PhDs (since 2021). SEAH will cover domestic travel to Boston and accommodations. Please send a one-page description of your project and the writing problem(s) you are encountering to with the subject heading: "Exploring Voice Workshop." The deadline is January 10, 2025.
Conveners: Megan Black, Kate Brown and Tristan Brown.
Contact Information: Kate Brown,