Honenberger presented a paper on Marjorie Grene and David Hull's philosophies of biology at the 2014 History of Philosophy of Science conference in Ghent, Belgium. He also secured a book contract with Palgrave Macmillan for an edited volume entitled Naturalism and Philosophical Anthropology, anticipated publication date November 2015. For Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, he reviewed Julie Zahle and Finn Collin (eds.), Rethinking the Individualism-Holism Debate (Springer 2014).
Phillip Honenberger

Ph.D.Department of PhilosophyTemple University
The Philosophy of Biology in North America, 1959-2009: Disciplinary Symbioses, Constitutive Tensions, and Branching Lineages
This project will provide a linked series of inquiries into the way professional biologists, philosophers, historians, and others, beginning in the second half of the twentieth-century, developed the shared disciplinary space today referred to as ‘the philosophy of biology’. The narrative focuses on North America and (to a more limited extent) the UK and continental Europe in the years 1959 to 2009 – roughly, the period spanning the hundredth and hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary of Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species. Debates between key players such as Ernst Mayr, Marjorie Grene, David Hull, Michael Ruse, Mary Williams, William Wimsatt, and Richard Lewontin are approached both from a philosophical perspective focused on the cogency of arguments and positions, and from historical perspectives that set these arguments and positions within larger institutional and intellectual-historical contexts. This combination of philosophical and historical methodologies supports a three-part investigation of disciplinary symbioses between biological, philosophical, and historical disciplines during the period in question; constitutive tensions between positions and methodologies defended by the study’s historical actors (for example: between reductionism and organicism; between positivism and historicism; and between functionalism and formalism); and branching lineages between traditions associated with competing positions and methodologies, which connect this history both with what came before and with the composition and structure of the philosophy of biology today.
Honenberger's article "Grene and Hull on Types and Typological Thinking in Biology" appeared in the May 2015 issue of Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. A collection of new essays of which he is the editor, entitled Naturalism and Philosophical Anthropology, was published by Palgrave Macmillan press in October 2015. He also completed two encyclopedia articles on David Lee Hull (1935-2010) and Evelyn Fox Keller (1936-), which are forthcoming in The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 2nd edition, ed. John Shook (Bloomsbury), and a review essay that is forthcoming in Philosophy of the Social Sciences.