Jessica received M. C. Lang Fellowship in Book History, Bibliography, and Humanities Teaching with Historical Sources, from the Rare Book School in Charlottesville, VA.
Jessica also has several forthcoming publications:
"The Fetus in the Museum: Personhood, Pregnancy, and Anatomical Preparations, 1850–1900," in Death in Visual Culture, special journal issue (for Mortality), ed. Jessica Orzulak and Kaylee Alexander (forthcoming 2022).
"Paper Pregnancies: Visualizing the Maternal Body, 1880–1900," in The Coming of Age of the Public Fetus: Exploring Pregnant and Fetal Bodies in Visual Culture, ed. Elisabet Björklund and Solveig Jülich (Rochester, NY: Rochester University Press, forthcoming 2022).
"Skeletons in the Drawing Room: Popular Consumption of Flap Anatomies, 1880–1900," in Myth and Misinformation: Constructing the Medical Professions in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century English Literature and Culture, ed. Helen Williams, Allan Ingram, and Clark Lawlor (Manchester: Manchester University Press, forthcoming 2022).
"‘The Lady Anatomist’: Fragmented Bodies, Photographic Assemblage, and the ‘Art’ of Dissection at Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1895–98," in Making Sense of Medicine: Materiality and the Reproduction of Medical Knowledge, ed. John Nott and Anna Harris (Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, forthcoming 2022).