Menglu has been appointed Assistant Professor of Victorian Literature, University of Denver and was awarded the biannual Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award from the Society for Global Nineteenth-Century Studies in 2023.
Menglu Gao

Ph.D. Candidate, Comparative Literary Studies and English, Northwestern University
The Lacquered Chinese Box: Opium, Addiction, and the Fantasy of Empire in Nineteenth-century British Literature
My dissertation examines the intersection in the century between literary representations of opium-use, medical theories of substances, and Sino-British relations. It argues that opium’s effects on the medicalized body (in and out of fiction), by providing ways to envision Britain’s clash with the declining Sinocentric system, played a crucial role in shaping Britain’s project of modern self-making and empire-building. Building on opium’s many racial and imperial implications, my project advances scholarship in nineteenth-century studies by asking how medical studies and imperialism converged in representations of opium use and abuse. I divide the points of convergence into five categories, each of which my dissertation examines chronologically via one or two literary works from the 1820s to the 1890s: vigorousness; intoxication; physiognomy; addiction; and addiction treatment.
Menglu Gao has recently received the 2020 Walter L. Arnstein Prize for Dissertation Research in Victorian Studies by the Midwest Victorian Studies Association.