Shirley Kinney

Ph.D., Medieval Studies, University of Toronto
Untangling the Manuscripts and Medicine of the Pseudo-Apuleius Group
This project aims to publish a translation and study of a late-antique medical collection known as the Pseudo-Apuleius Group. This corpus of medical works was a popular collection of medieval Europe, and while some of its texts have previously received attention, the group as a cohesive unit has never before been comprehensively examined. This project has four aims: first, to provide a modern English translation of each text in the collection. Second, to investigate the evidence for each text’s original dating, localization, and source criticism. Third, to produce a comparative examination of the extant manuscripts and early printed editions of this medical collection, many of which have never before been studied. And finally, to analyze the collection’s medical content in comparison with current knowledge of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry. These four aims will be combined to publish the first comprehensive study of the Pseudo-Apuleius Group, its history, reception, and medical content.