Jeannie Shinozuka

Washington State University

2024 to 2025
Research Fellow

Model Minority Intelligence: Race, Education, & Citizenship, 1910-1965

As the recent 2023 US Supreme Court case, Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, has shown, Asian American students have played a central role in shaping affirmative action policies, standardized testing, and eugenic racism. The book manuscript is on the relational racial construction of Asian American and African American students at the height of eugenics and intelligence testing in the early twentieth century in order to better understand the interrelationship between education, eugenic racism, and citizenship. The development of Lewis Terman’s 1916 Stanford-Binet intelligence test came at a time when people of color were increasingly viewed as problems that must be addressed—including the question of education and its ties to psychology, criminality, and immigration.