Consortium Fellow Lu Chen integrates the history of Chinese socialist medicine into its global context.
Research Fellow Angela Xia studies how notions of ethnicity, race, or religion affected the distribution of healthcare.
Consortium Fellow Warren Dennis discusses the role of gender and masculinity in the history of twentieth-century U.S. energy policy.
Emanuel Fellow Derek Nelson explores the global movement of marine species in the early modern era, and how introduced species shaped human experiences with the sea.

Thompson Fellow Donald Opitz uncovers women's involvement in the development of agricultural and the horticultural sciences.

Read about Benjamin Goossen's work on the global expansion of the Earth sciences and their relationship to the new international order in the mid-twentieth century.

Read about Jennifer Eaglin's project on the development and legacies of Brazil's nuclear energy industry.

Read about Minseok Jang's research exploring energy history and the anti-trust movement during the transition to artificial lighting and kerosene.

Read about the research of Consortium Fellow Menglu Gao, as she rethinks the conceptual relationship between addiction and empire in the nineteenth century, based on her research in the collections of the Wellcome and Yale University.

Consortium Fellow Kirsten Moore-Sheeley discusses the history and consequences of failures and challenges in vaccine research.

Consortium NEH Fellow Shirley Kinney uncovers the fluid nature of a group of medical texts that were copied, translated and modified across Europe between the ninth and fifteenth centuries.

Research Fellow Evan Bonney reports on his research into the science of forestry adopted by the United States Forest Service and the U.S. Department of Interior as a tool of soft power for the United States Empire at the turn of the twentieth century.

Consortium Fellow Derek Baron discusses the study of language and the rise of U.S. continental imperialism.

Consortium NEH Fellow Chelsea Schields explores the legacies of colonialism in Caribbean electrical systems.

Consortium NEH Fellow Catherine Mas uncovers the gender history and cultural history of early primatology.

How did lab animals become "sentient drug factories" with significant influence over the history of health and medicine in China? Read about Peter Braden's research examining the multispecies history of science in modern China.

Consortium Fellow Leo Chu examines the tensions between development and sustainability in Taiwan's Green Revolution.

Read about Gina Surita's research into the history of molecular biology and the influence of metaphors of "economy" on our understanding of cellular functions.

Read about Charis Boke's work on plant humanities, medical knowledge and interspecies relationships.

Albert M. Greenfield Fellow Bethany Johnson explores the social legacies of the 1918 influenza epidemic in Philadelphia.