Julia published Virus Research in Twentieth-Century Uganda: Between Local and Global (Ohio University Press). The book presents the stories of scientists at the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), a biomedical center founded in 1936. It analyzes the strategies and conditions that allowed the institute to endure and thrive through successive political and scientific regimes of the interwar period, the postwar period, the transition to independence, the conflicts of the 1970s and 1980s, and the Museveni presidency. Virus Research in Twentieth Century Uganda combines methods and themes from the history of medicine and public health, science and technology studies, and African studies to show that the story of the UVRI and the people who worked there transforms our understanding of the nature of local and international expertise and the evolution of global health research over the course of the twentieth century.
Primary tabs
Matteo Bortolini
University of Padova, Italy
- Research FellowThe Effective Look of Things: A Two-Tier Biography of Clifford Geertz
Kristy Bowers
University of Missouri
- Research FellowOrdinary or Dangerous Pestilence? Defining New Diseases in Early Modern Spain
Emma Broder
Harvard University
- Research FellowThe Anatomy of the Epidemic: Contested Illness in Twentieth Century America
Tad Brown
University of Cambridge
- Research FellowFats from Seed: Chemistry, Peanut Breeding, and Food Science
Lydia Crafts
Manhattan College
- NEH Postdoctoral Fellow“Little Empire”: Medicine, Public Health and Human Experimentation in 20th Century Central America
Charles Davidson
University of Florida
- Research FellowBattlefields of Mind and Matter: Psychological Warfare and the Cold War Struggle for the Body, Mind, and Soul in Guatemala
Anna Doel
Independent Scholar
- Research FellowFriends in Odd Places: U.S.-Soviet Scientific Contacts during the Cold War
Salem Elzway
University of Southern California, Society of Fellows in the Humanities
- Research FellowRace Against the Robots: Artificial Intelligence and Inequality in Postwar America
Alfredo Escudero
Florida International University
- Research FellowThe Land is the Laboratory: Indigenous Labor, Land Inspections and the Engineering of the Colonial Andes
Sam Franz
University of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowFrom Computing Centers to Computer Science: The Political Economy of US Universities and the Rise of Computing, 1930-1990
Adriana Fraser
University of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowMaking Danger: biological weapons research, biosafety, and the management of microbial life, 1940-1990
Cory Gatrall
Elaine Marieb College of Nursing at UMass Amherst
- Research FellowRace, Racism, and Reproduction in Public Health Nursing, 1900-1940
Robert Hancock
University of Victoria
- Research FellowIndigenous Anthropologists and the Emergence of Native American and Indigenous Studies in the 1960s and 1970s
William Krause
Vanderbilt University
- Research Fellow"Scientific Genius: A Cultural and Intellectual History of the Idea in Modern America, 1880-1990"
Jingwen Li
Princeton University
- Research FellowA Phantom History of Phantom Ocular Impairment (1830-1930)
Jonathan MacDonald
Brown University
- Research FellowExpert Advice: Mediating Social Science’s Public Aspirations, 1930-1965
Elizabeth Maher
University of Illinois at Chicago
- Research FellowBuilding Mechanical Boys: What Autism History Tells us about Constructions of Race, Disability, Gender and Class in the Mid-20th Century United States
Samantha Muka
Stevens Institute of Technology
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowConservation and Marine Pollution in the New York Bight, 1960-present
Nidia Olvera Hernandez
Radboud University
- Research FellowTraditional Uses of Mexican Psychoactive Plants. From the Creation of a National Pharmacopeia to Ethnographical Collections 1900-1957
Yovanna Pineda
University of Central Florida
- Research FellowSpectacular Bodies: Aesthetics of Labor & Technology in Argentina, 20th Century
Magnus Schaefer
McGill University
- Research FellowThe Early Digital: From Statistical Prediction to Digital Signal Processing, 1951–1969
Tanya Sheehan
Colby College
- Albert M. Greenfield Research FellowAfter Harlem Hospital: Modern Medicine and African American Art
Jeannie Shinozuka
Washington State University
- Research FellowModel Minority Intelligence: Race, Education, & Citizenship, 1910-1965
Alistair Sponsel
- Emanuel FellowDocumenting traditional knowledge of coral reefs in the Society Islands and the Tuamotu Archipelago
Katherine White
University of California, San Diego Department of History, Science Studies Program
- Research FellowAnatomy and the Search for Natural Man
Evan Bonney
Centre for History (CHSP), Sciences Po
- Research FellowForests and Power in the United States Empire, 1891-1914
Peter Braden
Ph.D., Department of History, University of California-San Diego
- Emanuel FellowCollateral Killing: Humans, Rodents, and the Making of the Life Sciences in China, 1940-1980
Lu Chen
Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health, University of Exeter
- Research FellowAlternative Road to Alma-Ata: Social Medicine and Socialist Medicine Roots of Primary Health Care from the Third World
Laura Clerx
Ph.D. Candidate, History, Boston College
- Research FellowNature's Properties: Science and Commerce in Early America, 1780-1850
Julia Cummiskey
Department of History, University of Tennessee Chattanooga
- Research FellowSelling Wellness: Marketing Materials, Behaviors, and Services for Improved Health in Modern Africa
Warren Dennis
PhD candidate in History, Boston University
- Research Fellow"Politically Inspired Scarcity": Energy and Masculinity in the Post-OAPEC Era
Isabela Dornelas
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
- Research FellowFollow the Thread: a comparative history of absorbable materials in suture
Suvendu Ghatak
Department of English, University of Florida
- Research FellowMalaria and the Political Ecology of Development in Twentieth-century South Asia
Minseok Jang
University at Albany, State University of New York
- Research FellowBurning a Monopoly: Kerosene and Anti-monopoly Politics Against Standard Oil, 1848-1911
Heewon Kim
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Research FellowCoding Actions, Making Faces: Understanding the Human Through Faces 1960 – 2000
Shirley Kinney
Ph.D., Medieval Studies, University of Toronto
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowUntangling the Manuscripts and Medicine of the Pseudo-Apuleius Group
Alexei Kojevnikov
Department of History, University of British Columbia
- Research FellowKnabenphysik: Cultural Crises, Postdoctoral Revolt, and Social Contexts of the Quantum Revolution
Oliver Lazarus
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of the History of Science, Harvard University
- Research FellowDomesticating Empire: American Power and the Industrialization of Life
Jamie Marsella
PhD candidate in History of Science, Harvard University
- Research Fellow"The Science of Right Living”: Euthenics in Child Welfare Reform 1900-1930
Catherine Mas
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Florida International University
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowSweet Captivity: A Transnational History of Primatology and Culture
Kirsten Moore Sheeley
Assistant Professor, Program in the History of Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
- Research FellowChasing the Magic Bullet: This History and Consequences of Vaccine Research
Derek Nelson
Ph.D., Department of History, University of New Hampshire
- Emanuel FellowReexamining Historical Introductions of Marine Wood-Boring Species from the Perspective of the History of Science and Technology
Donald L Opitz
Associate Professor, DePaul University, School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS)
- Keith S. Thomson Research FellowDaughters of Ceres: The Scientific Advancement of Women in Horticulture, 1870–1920
Bican Polat
Humanities, New York University Shanghai
- Research FellowAdjustment, Mental Hygiene, and Child Study: The Advent of the Personality and Culture Perspective in American Social Science
Jennifer Reiss
PhD candidate in History, University of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowUndone Bodies: Women and Disability in Early America
Chelsea Schields
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of California, Irvine
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowCharged Currents: Electric Power in the Caribbean
Y L Lucy Wang
PhD candidate in Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University
- Research FellowContagious Places, Curative Spaces: Disease in the Making of Modern Chinese Architecture, 1894-1949
Jiemin Tina Wei
PhD student in History of Science, Harvard University
- Research FellowAmeliorating Fatigue at Work: Workplace-Management, Mind-Body Medicine, and Self-Help for Industrial Fatigue in the U.S., 1900-1950
Angela Xia
PhD candidate in Religious Studies, University of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowThe Rest of Life: Hospice, Aging, and the Expansion of Palliative Care in America, 1971-2000
Che Yeun
PhD candidate in History of Science, Harvard University
- Research FellowThe Finishing Touch: Cleaning and Feeling Modern American Bodies, 1890-1970
Derek Baron
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Historical Musicology, New York University
- Research FellowThe Biopolitics of Voice: Speech Sciences and the Articulation of Race in Nineteenth-Century America
Barrie Blatchford
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Columbia University
- Research FellowUnnatural Selection: Animal Acclimatization, Nation-Building, and the Transformation of American Nature, 1865-1970
Camilla Cannon
Ph.D. Student, Department of American Studies, George Washington University
- Research FellowStandard: The Institutionalization of Transgender Medicine
Leo Chu
Ph.D. Student, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge
- Research FellowHarvesting Diversity: Ecology, Agriculture, and the Remaking of Development, 1970-2010
Nayanika Ghosh
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History of Science, Harvard University
- Keith S. Thomson Research FellowGenes and Gender: Sociobiology and the Emergence of a Political Critique of Science
F Eliza Glaze
Professor, Department of History, Coastal Carolina University
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowMedicine in the Making: Reading Hippocrates and Galen in Early Salerno and Monte Cassino
Benjamin Goossen
Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for the Formation of Knowledge, University of Chicago
- Research FellowThe Year of the Earth (1957-1958): Cold War Science and the Making of Planetary Consciousness
Anthony Greco
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Research FellowEngineering Egypt: Science, Culture, and Nation in the Age of Empire
Holly Gruntner
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, College of William & Mary
- Dissertation FellowFertile Ground: Kitchen Gardens and Knowledge Production in Early America
Hiro Hirai
Research Associate, Center for Science and Society, Columbia University
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowPseudo-Paracelsus: Forgery and Early Modern Science and Medicine
Rana Hogarth
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowMeasuring Miscegenation: Eugenic Race-Crossing Studies and the Legacies of Slavery
Zsuzsanna Ihar
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge
- Research FellowArming the Field: The Deployment of Agricultural Science in the Context of War and in its Aftermath (1990-2020)
Adam Johnson
Ph.D., Department of History, University of Michigan
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowInformation Control and Indigenous Politics of Documentation in the American Southwest
Bethany Johnson
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of South Carolina
- Albert M. Greenfield Research FellowIn the Aftermath of the “Lost” Pandemic: Philadelphia, 1919-1922
Judith Kaplan
Ph.D., National Science Foundation Research Scholar
- Fellow in ResidenceLinguistics: Reconstructing the Discipline through Universals Research
Julia Marino
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Princeton University
- Research FellowFighting for Capitalism's Cutting Edge: The Postindustrial Crusade for Technological and Economic Competitiveness
Margaret Maurer
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Dissertation FellowEveryday Alchemy
Julia Menzel
Ph.D. Candidate, Program in History; Anthropology; and Science, Technology, Society, MIT
- Research FellowEnigmatic Nature: Absent Laws and Hidden Objects in Theoretical Physics, 1967-2004
Sarah Naramore
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Northwest Missouri State University
- Research FellowNature and Nurture: Endemic Goiter, Geography, and Heredity in American Medicine, 1800-1930
Matthew Newsom Kerr
Associate Professor, Department of History, Santa Clara University
- Research FellowRe-Visualizing Vaccination: The British and American “Anti-Anti-Vaccinationist” Movement, 1890-1914.
Udodiri Okwandu
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History of Science, Harvard University
- Research FellowTransgressive Motherhood: Diagnostic Privilege, Race, and Maternal Mental Illness in American Psychiatry, Medicine, and Law, 1890 - 1970
Marianne Quijano
Ph.D. Student, Department of History, University of Florida
- Research FellowA Primordial Whiteness: Science, Religion, and Race in Twentieth-Century Panama
Nicole Rehnberg
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Research FellowWhite Roots, Redwoods: Racializing Conservation in Germany and the US, 1920-1945
Boyd Ruamcharoen
Ph.D. Candidate, Programn in History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology, and Society, MIT
- Research FellowTropical Preservation: Media Technologies and American Power in the Postcolonial Tropics
Claire Sabel
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowRare Earth: Gemstones Geohistories and Commercial Geography Between Southeast Asia and Europe c. 1600-1750
Sam Schirvar
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowManufacturing Self-Determination: Cold War Electronics in Tribal Development, Black Empowerment, and Prison Industry
Aimee Slaughter
Ph.D., Program in History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Minnesota
- Emanuel FellowMaking Atomic History in New Mexico
Matthew Soleiman
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of California, San Diego
- Research FellowThe Person in Pain: A Genealogy of Bodily Experience, 1906-1999
Hannah Srajer
Ph.D. Student, Department of History, Yale University
- Research FellowThe Torture Cure: Behavior Modification and Rehabilitative Logics in the American Carceral State, 1960-1990
Gina Surita
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Princeton University
- Research FellowThe Currency of the Cell: Energy Cycles and the Remaking of Metabolism, 1900–1970
Chang Xu
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Washington University in St. Louis
- Research FellowMedicine on the March: Military Institutions, Medical Networks, and Qing Empire, 1640-1800
Charis Boke
Visiting Scholar, Dartmouth College
- Keith S. Thomson Research FellowA Dose of Herbalism: Evidence and Efficacy in North American Medical History
Richard Del Rio
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Behavioral Science and Social Medicine, Florida State University
- Research FellowDope Town: The Drug Markets of Chicago, 1850-1940
Jennifer Eaglin
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Ohio State University
- Research FellowGoing Nuclear: The Rise of the Brazilian Nuclear Industry
Martha Espinosa
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Duke University
- Research FellowThe Science of Family Planning: Mexico’s “Demographic Explosion,” Contraceptive Technologies, and the Power of Expert Knowledge
Paul Forman
Curator Emeritus, Division of Medicine and Science, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
- Fellow in ResidenceAn Empirico-Critical Examination of “Vienna Indeterminism”
Michelle Frank
M.A. Student, Biography and Memoir Program, CUNY Graduate Center
- Research FellowThe Daughter Particle: Chien-Shiung Wu and Twentieth Century Physics
Jean Franzino
Postdoctoral Fellow, Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library
- Research FellowDis-Union: Disability, Narrative, and the American Civil War
Ryan Hearty
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History of Science and Technology, Johns Hopkins University
- Research FellowThe Pollution Experts: Water and Environmental Engineering in the United States, 1948 to 1990
Kelsey Henry
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of American Studies, Yale University
- Research FellowDevelopmental Humanisms: Black Histories of Developmental Science and Biomedicine in the Twentieth-Century U.S.
Matthew Hoffarth
Ph.D., Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania, Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine
- Fellow in ResidenceThe Californian Personality: Testing and Techno-Utopianism in Silicon Valley, 1949-2019
Melanie Kiechle
Associate Professor, Department of History, Virginia Tech
- Research FellowDesensitizing Health
Hannah LeBlanc
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University
- Research FellowNutrition for National Defense: US Food Science in World War II and the Cold War
Mia Levenson
Ph.D. Student, Department of Theater and Performance Studies, Tufts University
- Research FellowEugenics and the Politics of Scientific Performance
Jess Libow
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, Emory University
- Research FellowPolitical Movement: Ability, Sex, and Reform in the Nineteenth-Century United States
Marcelo Lima Loreto
Ph.D., History of Science and Technology and Epistemology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Research FellowBrazilian Genetics and Politics during the Cold War (1940-1950s)
Katherine McLeod
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, New York University
- Fellow in ResidenceHow to Display a Hoatzin: Zoology, Empire, and Ecology
Sara Meloni
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowRadical Science Collectives between Italy and the US in the Long 1960s
Emily Merchant
Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of California, Davis
- Research FellowMolecular Eugenics
Kate Mulry
Assistant Professor, Department of History, California State University, Bakersfield
- Research Fellow“‘it nourisheth the Child in the Womb’: Chocolate, Reproduction, and Colonization in Seventeenth-Century Jamaica”
Nic John Ramos
Assistant Professor, History of Medicine, Drexel University
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowPolicing Health: Making Race, Sexuality, and Poverty Productive in Global Los Angeles, 1965-1986
Jesse Ritner
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of Texas, Austin
- Research Fellow'White Gold': Weather, Technology, and the Rise of the North American Ski Industry, 1900-Present
Lauren Ruhrold
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of Minnesota
- Research FellowNo Standard Definition: The Medical Device Industry and Its Social and Cultural History
Leah Samples
Ph.D. Candidate, History and Sociology of Science Department, University of Pennsylvania
- Dissertation FellowVisual Citizenry: The State, Technology, and Blindness in New Deal America and Beyond
Henry Schmidt
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of California, Berkeley
- Research FellowSocial Scientists, Industrial Evolution, and the Study of Artefacts in Progressive Era America
Heather Vrana
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Florida
- Research FellowGuerrilla Medicine and Disability in Cold War Central America, 1954-1996
Patrick Walsh
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Fellow in ResidenceRaised from the Living: Making Therapy from Biology, 1880s-1940s
Nicole Welk Joerger
High Meadows Environmental Institute Fellow, Princeton University
- Albert M. Greenfield Research FellowRumen Nation: An Environmental History of the United States
Madeline Williams
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Harvard University
- Dissertation FellowChallenging the Ableist State: Blind Organizing Through Technology and Welfare in the Era of the American Eugenics Movement, 1865-1940
Matthew Wisnioski
Associate Professor, Department of Science, Technology, and Society, Virginia Tech
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowThe Magic School Bus and the Reanimation of Science Education
Maria Paula Andrade Diniz de Araujo
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Vanderbilt University
- Research FellowThe State of the Poor: State Building and Public Health in Modern Brazil, 1834-1920
Eve Buckley
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Delaware
- Research FellowHunger Politics during the Early Cold War: Intellectuals from the Global South Contest the Overpopulation Paradigm, 1948-1973
Sally Chengji Xing
Ph.D. Candidate, U.S. History, Columbia University
- Research Fellow“Pacific Crossings”: Paul Monroe, John Dewey and the Architecture of Modern Chinese Scientific Research and Education, 1913-1949
Kerri Clement
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Research FellowWonderland’s Festering Wound: Indigenous Peoples, Animals, and Brucellosis in Twentieth-Century Yellowstone and Montana Borderlands
Matthew Foreman
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Northwestern University
- Research FellowScience and Security: Constructing the Modern Chinese Citizen, 1900-1966
Betsy Frederick Rothwell
Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin
- Research FellowInternal Economies: Air Conditioning, Industrial Environments, and Working Bodies, 1890-1940
Hongdeng Gao
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Columbia University
- Dissertation FellowMigration, Medicine and Power: How Chinese New Yorkers Gained Better Access to Health Care, 1949-1999
Viridiana Hernandez Fernandez
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of California, Davis
- Research FellowAvocado Landscapes: The Rise and Expansion of the U.S.-Mexico Avocado Industry, 1910-2000
Matthew Hoffarth
Ph.D., Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania, Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine
- Fellow in ResidenceThe Californian Personality: Testing and Techno-Utopianism in Silicon Valley, 1949-2019
Judith Kaplan
Ph.D., Department of History of Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Research FellowComparative-Historical Linguistics and the Body
David Korostyshevsky
Ph.D. Candidate, History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, University of Minnesota
- Research FellowDisciplining the Drunkard: The Medico-Legal History of Habitual Drunkenness in Nineteenth-Century America
Justin Linds
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of American Studies, New York University
- Keith S. Thomson Research FellowRot Before Microbes: Creating Knowledge and Value in the Early Modern Atlantic
Michael McGovern
Ph.D. Candidate, History of Science, Princeton University
- Albert M. Greenfield Research FellowJust in Numbers? Statistics and Civil Rights in Postwar America
Katherine McLeod
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, New York University
- Dissertation FellowHow to Display a Hoatzin: Zoology, Empire, and Ecology
Joris Mercelis
Assistant Professor, Department of History of Science and Technology, Johns Hopkins University
- Research FellowThe Long Shadow of Kodak: Corporate Knowledge Empires and the Internationalization of Science
Hillary Nunn
Professor, Department of English, University of Akron
- Research FellowDomestic Medicine on the Move: Household Mobility and Early Modern Recipe Collections
Kelly O Donnell
Ph.D., Department of History, Yale University
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowHippocratic Vows: How the Doctor's Wife Transformed American Medicine
Claire Oliver
Ph.D. Candidate, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge
- Research FellowEverywhere at Once: Meteorology, Communications, and the Construction of Global Climate, 1865-1900
Alexander Parry
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
- Research FellowRisky Homes: Domestic Accidents from the Progressive Era to the Consumer Movement
James Rick
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, College of William and Mary
- Research FellowCultivating Machines: Capitalism and Technology in Midwestern Agriculture, 1830-1900
Tillmann Taape
Ph.D., Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambrdige
- Research FellowDistillation: Craft Knowledge, Medicine, and Chemistry in Early Modern Europe
Rachel Walker
Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Hartford
- Research FellowBeauty and the Brain: The Science of the Mind in Early America
Arnaud Zimmern
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Notre Dame
- Research FellowTouching Kings, Drinking Gold: Crises of Sovereignty in Jacobean Medicine
Ellen Abrams
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University
- Research FellowMaking Mathematics American: Representation, Labor, and Engagement during the Growth of American Mathematics, 1894-1945
Hannah Anderson
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowLived Botany: Households, Ecological Adaptation and the Origins of Settler Colonialism in Early British North America
Ekaterina Babintseva
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania
- Fellow in ResidenceComputer-Based Education in the Cold War United States and Soviet Union: Cyberdreams of the Information Age
Howard Chiang
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of California, Davis
- Research FellowTranslators of the Soul: From the First Chinese Psychoanalyst to the Rise of Transcultural Psychiatry
Marcos Cueto
Professor, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz
- Research FellowA History of Global AIDS and Health Activism in Brazil
Ryan Dahn
Ph.D., Department of Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science, University of Chicago
- Fellow in ResidenceNazi Entanglement: Pascual Jordan, Quantum Mechanics, and the Legacy of the Third Reich
Menglu Gao
Ph.D. Candidate, Comparative Literary Studies and English, Northwestern University
- Research FellowThe Lacquered Chinese Box: Opium, Addiction, and the Fantasy of Empire in Nineteenth-century British Literature
Kit Heintzman
Lecturer, Department of the History of Science, Harvard University
- Research FellowMedicine Unbridled: Veterinarians and Multispecies Statecraft, 1750-1815
Alani Hicks Bartlett
Postdoctoral Fellow, Medieval Studies, Brown University
- Research FellowThe Cure Gone Awry: Gender, Dis/ability, and the Ailing Empire in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Johanna Hood
Discovery Early Career Research Fellow, School of Humanities and Languages, University of New South Wales
- Research FellowVital Fluid: Evolving Social, Moral and Economic Values of Blood and Cadavers in China
Lawrence Kessler
Ph.D., Department of History, Temple UniversityConsortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine
- Fellow in ResidencePlanter's Paradise: Sugar and the Conquest of Hawaiʻi
Charles Kollmer
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Princeton University
- Research FellowFrom Elephant to Bacterium: Microbes, Microbiologists, and the Chemical Order of Nature
Christa Kuljian
Research Associate, Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of the Witwatersrand
- Research FellowPersistent Biological Myths: Fifty Years of Creating a Feminist Approach to Science and Technology Studies (STS), 1969-2019
Xiao Li
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Southern Illinois University
- Research Fellow"A New Woman”: Yamei Kin’s Contributions to Medicine and Women’s Rights in the U.S. and China, 1864-1934
Diana Louis
Assistant Professor, Women's Studies and American Culture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Research FellowColored Insane: Slavery, Asylums, and Mental Illness in the 19th Century
Zachary Mann
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English Literature and Media Studies, University of Southern California
- Research FellowThe Punch Card Imagination: Authorship and Early Computing History
Patr cia Martins Marcos
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Science Studies Program, University of California, San Diego
- Research FellowPolitical Medicine: Science Sovereignty and the Government of Imperial Bodies in the Portuguese Atlantic (1715-1818)
Cristina Nigro
PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, History & Social Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
- Dissertation FellowThe Active Brain - A History of the Electrophysiological and Molecular Study of Cognition in the 20th Century
Megan Piorko
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Georgia State University
- Dissertation FellowChymical Collections: Seventeenth-Century Textual Transmutations in the Work of Arthur Dee and Elias Ashmole
Aditya Ramesh
Postdoctoral Fellow, Indian Institute for Human Settlements
- Research FellowVital Cities: Public Health, Non-Human Life and Infrastructure in South Asian Cities, 1890-1970
Katherine Reinhart
Ph.D., History of Art, University of Cambridge
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowImages for the King: Art, Science, and Power in Louis XIV’s France
Alexis Rider
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowA Melting Fossil: Ice, Life, and Time in the Cryosphere, 1840-1970
Emma Schroeder
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of Maine
- Research FellowWomen's Transnational Technological Activism and the Origins of Ecological Domesticity, 1960-1989
Dorin Smith
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, Brown University
- Research FellowFictional Brains: Reflecting on the Neural Subject in the Nineteenth-Century American Novel
Justin Tackett
Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of English, Stanford University
- Albert M. Greenfield Research FellowPoetry and Sound Technology, 1816-1914; Hardy and Radio; Poetics and the Prehistory of Silent Film, c.1880-c.1930
Rebecca Woods
Assistant Professor, Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto
- Keith S. Thomson Research FellowBody of Animal, Body of Evidence: Paleolithic Remains and the History of Science
Sarah Xia Yu
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowHealthy and Hygienic Publics in Republican China, 1912--1949
Elaine Ayers
Ph.D. Candidate, Program in the History of Science, Princeton University
- Albert M. Greenfield Research FellowStrange Beauty: Botanical Collection, Preservation, and Display in the 19th Century Tropics
Ekaterina Babintseva
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania
- Dissertation FellowComputer-Based Education in the Cold War United States and Soviet Union: Cyberdreams of the Information Age
Edward Barnet
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History of Science, Stanford University
- Research FellowHomo Musicus: The Early Modern Musical Science of the Human Being
Jaime Benchimol
Senior Researcher, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz
- Research FellowLeishmaniases of the New World in a Historical and Global Perspective.
Geoff Bil
Ph.D. New York Botanical Gardens
- Research FellowFields of Empire: Science, Ethnoscience and the Making of the American Century
Scottie Hale Buehler
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University of California at Los Angeles
- Research FellowBeing and Becoming a Midwife in 18th century France: Pedagogical Practices and Objects
Chelsea Chamberlain
Doctoral Candidate, University of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowDiagnostic Clinics and the Problem of Human Defect in Progressive America
Benjamin Cohen
Associate Professor, Engineering Studies and Environmental Studies, Layfayette College
- Research FellowThe Future of Agriculture: A Technological History
Jessica Dandona
Associate Professor, Department of Liberal Arts, Minneapolis College of Art and Design
- Research FellowThe Transparent Woman: Medical Visualities in Fin-de-Siècle Europe and the United States, 1890–1914
Theodora Dryer
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Science Studies, University of California, San Diego
- Fellow in ResidenceDesigning Certainty: The Rise of Algorithmic Planning in An Age of Anxiety, 1920-1961
Alexandra Fair
M.A. Candidate, Department of History, Miami University
- Research FellowEugenic Expectations: How the Medical Economy Changed and Sustained Eugenic Ideology in Post-WWII America
Ellery Foutch
Assistant Professor, American Studies, Middlebury College
- Research FellowThe Artists' Models: Natural History Specimens and their Illustrations
Stephen Hausmann
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Temple University
- Research FellowIndian Country: Race and Environment in the Black Hills, 1850-1992
Ashley Inglehart
Ph.D., Department of History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine, Indiana University
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowSeminal Ideas: The Forces of Generation for Robert Boyle and his Contemporaries
Jordan Katz
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Columbia University
- Dissertation FellowJewish Midwives, Medicine and the Boundaries of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe, 1650-1800
Lawrence Kessler
Ph.D., Department of History, Temple University Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine
- Fellow in ResidencePlanter's Paradise: Sugar and the Conquest of Hawaiʻi
Paul Mitchell
Ph.D. Student, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania
- Keith S. Thomson Research FellowHuman Remainders: the Lost Century of the Samuel George Morton Collection
Vivek Neelakantan
- Research FellowSoutheast Asia and the Beginnings of the Primary Health Paradigm, 1948-1978
Ayah B Nuriddin
Ph.D Candidate, Department of History of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
- Dissertation FellowLiberation Eugenics: African Americans and the Science of Black Freedom Struggles, 1890-1970
Lisa Ruth Rand
Ph.D., Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine
- Fellow in ResidenceSpace Junk: An Environmental History of Waste in Orbit
Paloma Rodrigo Gonzales
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Anthropology, Graduate Center, City University of New York
- Research FellowElusive Evidence, Enduring Fluidity: Historical Trajectories of the “Mongolian Spot”as a Marker of Race
Neeraja Sankaran
- Research FellowA Longue-Durée Microhistory of RSV at the Rockefeller: The Institutional Life of an In-House Discovery.
Michelle Smiley
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History of Art, Bryn Mawr
- Fellow in ResidenceBecoming Photography: The American Development of a Medium
Sean M Smith
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Rice University
- Research FellowAbolition and the Making of Scientific Racism in the Anglo-Atlantic
Alana L Staiti
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University
- Research FellowModel Bodies: The Art, Science, and Craft of Human Modeling for 3-D Computer Graphics and Animation, 1960-1995
Ana Carolina Vimieiro Gomes
Professor for the History of Science, Department of History, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
- Research FellowThe Genetics of the Brazilian Northeastern Population, 1950-1980: Heredity, Race and Culture
Laurel J Waycott
Ph.D. Candidate, Program in the History of Science and Medicine, Yale University
- Research FellowPatterns of Creation: Organic Form in the Science of Life, 1880-1930
Kazuki Yamada
Ph.D. Candidate, University of Exeter and University of Queensland
- Research FellowLater Life Sexuality and its Genealogies of Knowledge: The Sciences of Sex and Ageing, c. 1870 – 1980.
Kevin Baker
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Northwestern University
- Dissertation FellowWorld Processors: Computer Modeling, Global Environmentalism, and the Birth of Sustainable Development
Joanna Behrman
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History of Science and Technology, Johns Hopkins University
- Research FellowA Comparative Analysis of Women’s Higher Education in Physics
Nicole Belolan
Ph.D., Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine
- Fellow in ResidenceNavigating the World: The Material Culture of Physical Mobility Impairment in the Early American North, 1728-1861
Paul Braff
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Temple University
- Research FellowEnthroning Health: The National Negro Health Movement and the Fight to Control Public Health Policy in the African American Community, 1915-1950
Theodora Dryer
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Science Studies, University of California, San Diego
- Dissertation FellowDesigning Certainty: The Rise of Algorithmic Planning in An Age of Anxiety, 1920-1961
Kathrinne Duffy
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of American Studies, Brown University
- Research FellowDoctrine of the Skull: Phrenology and Public Culture in Antebellum America
Kate Grauvogel
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine, Indiana University
- Research FellowA Gendered History of Pathology: Women, Hormones and Blood Clots, 1784 -1963
Martha Groppo
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Princeton University
- Research FellowMaking the Peripheral Central: Rural Healthcare, Nursing, and the Anglo-World, 1887-1939
Nabeel Hamid
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania
- Fellow in ResidenceBeing and the Good: Natural Teleology in Early Modern German Philosophy
Alma Igra
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Columbia University
- Research FellowCalculating the Substance of Human Life: The Emergence of Nutritional Studies in Britain 1918-1941
Jonathan Jones
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Binghamton University
- Research Fellow“A Mind Prostrate”: Physicians, Opiates, and Insanity in the Civil War’s Aftermath
Lawrence Kessler
Ph.D., Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine
- Fellow in ResidencePlanter's Paradise: Environment, Empire, and the Making of Hawaiʻi's Sugarcane Plantation System
Joseph Martin
National Science Foundation Research Scholar
- Fellow in ResidenceIndustrial Patronage and the Cold War University
Emelin Miller
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, University of Minnesota
- Research FellowEmpire of Ice: Arctic Natural History and British Visions of Nature, 1650-1800
Timothy Minella
Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor in the Augustine and Culture Seminar Program at Villanova University
- Research FellowBy Their Locks You Shall Know Them: Race, Science, and Hair in the Nineteenth Century
Taylor Moore
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Rutgers University
- Fellow in ResidenceSuperstitious Women: Race, Magic, and Medicine in Semicolonial Upper Egypt (1875-1960)
Lauren Rosati
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Art History, City University of New York, Graduate Center
- Research FellowMechanical Kingdoms: Sound Technologies and the Avant-Garde, 1930-1933
Michael Sappol
Ph.D., Research Fellow, Uppsala University
- Research FellowAnatomy’s Photography: Objectivity, showmanship & the reinvention of the anatomical image 1860-1950
Aprajita Sarcar
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Queen’s University
- Research FellowOf Mythical Families in Mythical Cities: Small Family Propaganda and the City in India, 1954-77
Adam Shapiro
National Science Foundation Research Scholar
- Fellow in ResidenceAn Unfit Darwinist: Disability, Slander and America's First Evolution Trial
Michelle Smiley
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History of Art, Bryn Mawr
- Fellow in ResidenceBecoming Photography: The American Development of a Medium
Daniel Vandersommers
Ph.D., Department of History, The Ohio State University
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowHumanism Encaged: The American Zoo, 1887-1917
Yuan Yi
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University
- Research FellowMalfunctioning Machinery: The Global Making of Textile Factories in Early Twentieth-Century China
Leah Aronowsky
Ph.D. Candidate Department of the History of Science Harvard University
- Research FellowConfiguring "Life" in the Biosphere, 1950-2000
George Aumoithe
Ph.D. Candidate Department of History Columbia University
- Research FellowEpidemic Preparedness in the Age of Chronic Illness: Public Health and Welfare Politics in the United States, 1965-2000
Sarah Basham
Ph.D. Candidate Department of History University of British Columbia
- Dissertation FellowRethinking the Ontology of Chinese Encyclopedias: The Life and Times of Treatise on Military Preparedness (1621)
AJ Blandford
Ph.D. Candidate Department of History Rutgers University
- Research FellowLabor and the Visualization of Knowledge in American Geological Surveys
Nicholas Bonneau
Ph.D. Candidate Department of History University of Notre Dame
- Research FellowUnspeakable Loss, Distempered Awakenings: North America's Invisible Throat Distemper Epidemic of 1735-1765
Melissa Charenko
Ph.D. Candidate Department of the History of Science University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Research Fellow"The Science of Prophecy"? The Role of the Paleo-Disciplines in the Face of Anthropogenic Change, 1916-2015
Rosanna Dent
Ph.D. Candidate Department of History and Sociology of Science University of Pennsylvania
- Fellow in ResidenceStudying Indigenous Brazil: The Xavante and the Human Sciences, 1958-2015
Betsy Frederick Rothwell
Ph.D. Student School of Architecture University of Texas, Austin
- Research FellowInside Out: Office Buildings and the Hybrid Nature of Space, 1870-1930
Louis Gerdelan
Ph.D. Candidate Department of History Harvard University
- Research FellowCalamitous knowledge: understanding disaster in the British, Spanish and French Atlantic worlds, 1666-1755
Lawrence Kessler
Ph.D. Department of History Temple University
- Fellow in ResidencePlanter’s Paradise: Nature and Culture on Hawaiʻi’s Sugarcane Plantations
Alison Laurence
Ph.D. Candidate Department of History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology and Society Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Research FellowAn Unnatural History of Deep Time: Extinct Animals and the Politics of Place in the Modern United States
Julia Mansfield
Ph.D. CandidateHistory DepartmentStanford University
- Fellow in ResidenceThe Disease of Commerce: Yellow Fever in the Atlantic World, 1793-1805
Joseph Martin
National Science Foundation Research Scholar
- Fellow in ResidenceIndustrial Patronage and the Cold War University
Christine Peralta
Ph.D. Student Department of History University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Research FellowLabor Pains: Working Class Women's Access to Healthcare in the Philippines, 1898-1950
Alicia Puglionesi
Ph.D. History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Johns Hopkins University
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowThe Astonishment of Experience: Americans and Psychical Research, 1885-1935
Tricia Ross
Ph.D. Candidate Department of History Duke University
- Research FellowCare of Bodies, Cure of Souls: Medicine and Religion in Early Modern Germany
Michelle Smiley
Ph.D. Student History of Art Bryn Mawr
- Dissertation FellowBecoming Photography: The American Development of a Medium
Angela Smith
Adjunct Assistant Professor of History Austin Community College Ph.D., History University of Texas, Austin
- Research FellowThe Romantic Roots of Evolution in Scotland
Oscar Mois s Torres Mont far
Ph.D. Student Department of History, El Colegio de México
- Research FellowMiners, Oilmen and Chemists: Globalization and Technology in Mexican Sulphur Industry (1933-1972)
David Ceccarelli
Ph.D. CandidateHistorical, Philosophical and Social SciencesUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata
- Research FellowBetween Cope and Osborn: the Role of the American Biological Discourse on the Public Debate on Evolution
Wendy Gonaver
Ph.D.American Studies ProgramCollege of William and Mary
- Research FellowThe Peculiar Institution: Race, Gender, and Religion in the Making of Modern Psychiatry
Phillip Honenberger
Ph.D.Department of PhilosophyTemple University
- Fellow in ResidenceThe Philosophy of Biology in North America, 1959-2009: Disciplinary Symbioses, Constitutive Tensions, and Branching Lineages
Lawrence Kessler
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryTemple University
- Dissertation FellowPlanter’s Paradise: Agriculture, Ecology, and Science in Hawaiʻi’s Sugarcane Plantations, 1778-1920
Tamara Kneese
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of Media, Culture, and CommunicationNew York University
- Research FellowDigital Afterlives: Patterning Posterity Through Networked Remains
Tess Lanzarotta
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryYale University
- Research FellowA Lab at the Top of the World: Circumpolar Health and Indigenous Politics in Cold War Alaska
Jongmin Lee
LecturerEngineering and SocietyUniversity of Virginia
- Research FellowRayon: Poisoned History of Empowerment
Shana Lopes
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of Art HistoryRutgers University
- Research Fellow“The Fraternity throughout the World”: American and German Photography, Interactions from 1840 to 1890
Joseph Malherek
Department of American StudiesGeorge Washington University
- NEH Postdoctoral FellowFrom Bauhaus to Maxwell House: Continental Design and Social Science as Technologies of Consumer Engineering in Twentieth-Century America
Julia Mansfield
Ph.D. CandidateHistory DepartmentStanford University
- Fellow in ResidenceThe Disease of Commerce: Yellow Fever in the Atlantic World, 1793-1805
Alexander Moffett
Ph.D. CandidateCHSS / Pritzker School of MedicineUniversity of Chicago
- Research FellowThe Circulation of Medical Knowledge: Collective Investigation, 1860-1920
Lisa Ruth Rand
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History and Sociology of ScienceUniversity of Pennsylvania
- Dissertation FellowOrbital Decay: Space Junk and the Environmental History of Earth’s Borderlands, 1957-1985
Miriam Rich
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History of ScienceHarvard University
- Research FellowMonstrous Childbirth: Concepts of Race and Defective Reproduction in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Science, Medicine, and Law
James Risk
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of South Carolina
- Research FellowCoastal Identities: Science, Technology, Commerce, and the State in American Seaports, 1790 - 1860
Carolyn Roberts
Ph.D. CandidateAfrican and African American StudiesHarvard University
- Dissertation FellowSurgeon, Fetish Woman, Apothecary, Slave: The Medical Culture, Labor, and Economy of the British Slave Trade, 1680-1807
Whitney Robles
Ph.D. CandidateAmerican StudiesHarvard University
- Research FellowGathering the Animals: Natural History in America to 1815
Maxwell Rogoski
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History and Sociology of ScienceUniversity of Pennsylvania
- Research FellowSurface and Self: Science and the Social Economy of Skin in the Twentieth Century
Sarah Sussman
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of EnglishUniversity of Texas at Austin
- Research FellowDivining a Usable Past: Psychical Research and the High-Culture Novel, 1880-1940
Dora Vargha
Postdoctoral Research AssociateBirbeck College, University of London
- Research FellowRoad to Eradication: Global Polio Vaccine Testing in the Cold War
Nicole Belolan
University of Delaware
- Research FellowNavigating the World: The Material Culture of Physical Mobility Impairment in the Early American North, 1700-1861
Amanda Casper
University of Delaware
- Dissertation FellowHome Alteration in Industrial Philadelphia, 1865 to 1925
Cara Fallon
Harvard University
- Research FellowOne Hundred Years of Health: Changing Expectations for Aging Well in 20th Century America
Abraham Gibson
Ph.D., Department of HistoryFlorida State University
- Postdoctoral FellowIn Search of the Social Impulse: Science and Conciliation during the Interwar Years, 1919-1939
Abigail Glogower
University of Rochester
- Research FellowLives of the Copyists: Replicating Subjects in Antebellum American Print Culture 1820-1860
Heidi Hausse
Princeton University
- Dissertation FellowLife and Limb: Technology, Surgery, and Bodily Loss in Early Modern Germany
Phillip Honenberger
Ph.D.Department of PhilosophyTemple University
- Fellow in ResidenceThe Philosophy of Biology in North America, 1959-2009: Disciplinary Symbioses, Constitutive Tensions, and Branching Lineages
Julia Mansfield
Ph.D. CandidateHistory DepartmentStanford University
- Fellow in ResidenceThe Disease of Commerce: Yellow Fever in the Atlantic World, 1793-1805
Jonson Miller
Associate Teaching ProfessorDrexel University
- Research FellowEngineers as Servant-Leaders of the Old South: The Southern Military Schools and the Foundation of the New South
Sarah Naramore
University of Notre Dame
- Research FellowThe Last Great System: Benjamin Rush's Physiological Worldview
Jeannie Shinozuka
Andrew W. Mellon Post-Doctoral Research AssociateUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Research FellowBiotic Borderlands: Constituting Race in Transnational Public Health and Agriculture, 1880-1945
Roberto Chauca Tapia
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of Florida
- Dissertation FellowScience in the Jungle: The Missionary Mapping and National Imagining of Western Amazonia
Christopher Willoughby
Tulane University
- Research FellowTreating the Black Body: Race and Medicine in American Culture, 1800-1861
Kathleen Brian
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of American StudiesGeorge Washington University
- Research FellowMorbid Propensities: Suicide, Sympathy, and the Making of the Eugenic Public, 1843-1903
Sarah Chesney
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of AnthropologyCollege of William and Mary
- Research FellowThe Fruit of Their Labors: Exploring William Hamilton's Greenhouse Complex and the Rise of American Botany in Early Federal Philadelphia
Erin Corrales Diaz
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of ArtUniversity of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
- Research FellowRemembering the Veteran: Disability, Trauma, and the American Civil War, 1861-1915
Elisabeth Berry Drago
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of Art HistoryUniversity of Delaware
- Research FellowThomas Wijck’s Painted Alchemists at the Intersection of Art, Science and Practice
Emily Handlin
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History of Art and ArchitectureBrown University
- Research FellowMoving Beyond Vision: Eadweard Muybridge in Philadelphia
Kathryn Irving
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryYale University
- Research FellowThe American Idiot Schools: Disability and Segregation in the Nineteenth Century
Jason Kauffman
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
- Research FellowTerra Desconhecida: Nature, Knowledge, and Society in the Pantanal Wetlands of Brazil and Bolivia
Joel Klein
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History and Philosophy of ScienceIndiana University
- Research FellowChymistry, Corpuscularism, and Controversy: The Ideas and Influence of Daniel Sennert (1572-1637)
Jessica Linker
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of Connecticut
- Research Fellow"It is My Wish to Behold Ladies among my Hearers": Early American Women and Scientific Practice, 1720-1860
Julia Mansfield
Ph.D. CandidateHistory DepartmentStanford University
- Dissertation FellowThe Disease of Commerce: Yellow Fever in the Atlantic World, 1793-1805
Teasel Muir Harmony
Ph.D. CandidateHistory, Anthropology and Science, Technology and SocietyMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- Dissertation FellowThe Space Race and American Public Diplomacy
Rebecca Onion
Ph.D.Department of American StudiesUniversity of Texas, Austin
- Postdoctoral FellowDark Futures: Environmental Catastrophes and American Childhood in the 1970s
Donald Opitz
Associate ProfessorSchool for New LearningDePaul University
- Research FellowCross-Atlantic Fertilizations: Women’s Horticultural Education at Ambler, Pennsylvania
James Poskett
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History and Philosophy of ScienceUniversity of Cambridge
- Research FellowPrinting skulls: the transatlantic publication and reception of Crania Americana (1839)
Kristen Ann Woytonik
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of New Hampshire
- Research FellowA Healthy Independence: The Politics, Science, and Business of Healthcare in Early Republic Philadelphia
Brandon Zimmerman
Independent Scholar
- Research FellowAn Empire of Skulls: The History of The Samuel George Morton Cranial Collection and Scientific Collecting Practices in 19th Century Philadelphia.
Jeremy Blatter
Ph.D. CandidateHistory of Science and Film and Visual StudiesHarvard University
- Dissertation Research FellowThe Psychotechnics of Everyday Life: Hugo Münsterberg and the Politics of Applied Psychology, 1892-1920
Catherine Bonier
Ph.D. CandidateArchitecture DepartmentUniversity of Pennsylvania
- Dissertation Research FellowBenjamin H. Latrobe's Philadelphia Waterworks: Republican Emblem and Democratic Instrument of Healthy Equilibrium
Jeffrey Brideau
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of Maryland
- Dissertation FellowA Bond Rather than a Barrier: Constructing the St. Lawrence Seaway, An Environmental History
Tisha Hooks
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of African American StudiesYale University
- Dissertation Research FellowDuct Tape and the U.S. Social Imagination
Laura Igoe
Ph.D. CandidateTyler School of ArtTemple University
- Dissertation Research FellowThe Opulent City and the Sylvan State: Art and Environmental Embodiment in Early National Philadelphia
Lijing Jiang
Ph.D. CandidateHistory and Philosophy of ScienceArizona State University
- Dissertation Research FellowDegeneration in Miniature: Cell Death and Aging Research in the Twentieth Century
Katrina Jirik
Ph.D. CandidateProgram in the History of Science, Technology and MedicineUniversity of Minnesota
- Dissertation Research FellowAmerican Institutions for the Feeble-minded from 1875 to 1920: a Reinterpretation
Emily Merchant
University of Michigan
- Dissertation Research FellowPrediction and Control: Global Population Projection in the Twentieth Century
Rebecca Onion
Ph.D., Department of American StudiesUniversity of Texas, Austin
- Postdoctoral FellowDark Futures: Environmental Catastrophes and American Childhood in the 1970s
Douglas O Reagan
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of California, Berkeley
- Dissertation Research FellowSeizing Science and Technology: American, British, and French Efforts to Take German Technology During and Following the Second World War
Ann Robinson
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst
- Dissertation FellowCreating a Symbol of Science: The Standard Periodic Table of the Elements
Aimee Slaughter
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of Science, Technology and MedicineUniversity of Minnesota
- Dissertation Research FellowRadium Therapy in America, 1898-1939
Simon Thode
Ph.D. CandidateProgram in the History of Science, Medicine and TechnologyThe Johns Hopkins University
- Dissertation Research FellowThe Sciences of Observation and their use in the development of the United States, 1770-1820
Jenna Tonn
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of the History of ScienceHarvard University
- Dissertation Research FellowThe Show-Room and the Workshop: The Laboratory within the Natural History Museum and the Development of American Biology, 1850 – 1935
Katherine Arner
Ph.D. CandidateProgram in the History of Science, Medicine and TechnologyJohns Hopkins University
- Dissertation Research FellowShaped by Fever, Commerce and War: American Medicine and Public Health in the Era of Atlantic Revolutions
Amanda Bevers
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of California, San Diego
- Dissertation Research FellowMaking Museums of Medical History
Susan Brandt
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryTemple University
- Dissertation Research FellowGifted Women and Skilled Practitioners: Gender and Healing Authority in the Mid-Atlantic Region, 1740-1830
Benjamin Breen
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of Texas, Austin
- Dissertation Research FellowCures from New Worlds: the Portuguese Tropics and the Origins of the Global Drug Trade, 1640-1760
Meghan Crnic
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History and Sociology of ScienceUniversity of Pennsylvania
- Dissertation Research FellowThe Salubrious Sea: Marine Hospitals, the Environment, and the Health of American Urban Children, 1870-1930
Claire Gherini
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryJohns Hopkins University
- Dissertation Research Fellow'That Great Experiment': Plantation America and the Remaking of British Medicine in the Anglophone Atlantic, 1730-1800.
Christopher Heaney
Ph.D. Candidate (Harrington Doctoral Fellow)Department of HistoryUniversity of Texas at Austin
- Dissertation Research FellowAndean Afterlives: the Hemispheric Circulation of the Pre-Columbian Dead and Peruvianist Anthropology, 1780-1948
Kurt MacMillan
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of California, Irvine
- Dissertation FellowHormonal Bodies: A Transregional History of Sex and Race in Constitutional Medicine, 1911-1965
Joseph Martin
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History, Technology and MedicineUniversity of Minnesota
- Dissertation FellowSolid Foundations: Structuring American Solid State Physics, 1939-1993
Funke Sangodeyi
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryHarvard University
- Dissertation Research FellowThe Body as Ecosystem: Good Germs and American Bodies, 1940s-1990s
Aelwen Wetherby
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of Science, Department of HistoryUniversity of Oxford
- Dissertation Research FellowAid, Incorporated: American Medical Relief to China and the Development of Medical Diplomacy, 1937-1949
Matthew White
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of Florida
- Research FellowPublic Science, Patronage, and Free Education: The Wagner Free Institute of Science in Philadelphia 1855 - 1900
Kuang chi Hung
Ph.D. Candidate History of Science Harvard University
- Dissertation Research FellowBridging the Disjunction: Asa Gray and the Botanical Exchanges between East Asia and North America
Andrew McGee
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of Virginia
- Dissertation Research FellowMainframing America: Computers, Systems, and the Transformation of U.S. Policy and Society, 1940-1985
Rebecca Miller
Ph.D. CandidateGraduate School of EducationHarvard University
- Dissertation Research FellowCrafting the Two Cultures: Identifying and Educating Future Scientists and Non-Scientists in America, 1910–1970
Joanna Radin
Ph.D. CandidateHistory & Sociology of ScienceUniversity of Pennsylvania
- Dissertation FellowLife on Ice: Frozen Blood, Human History, and Biodiversity in a Genomic Age
Madhumita Saha
Ph.D. CandidateHistory of Science and TechnologyIowa State University
- Dissertation FellowState Policy, Agricultural Research and Transformation of Indian Agriculture, With Special Reference to Basic Food Crops, 1947-1985
Paul Shin
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryYale University;Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of MedicineUniversity of Rochester
- Dissertation Research FellowInsensible Souls: Mesmerism, Science, and the American Imagination, 1837-1860
Cameron Strang
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of Texas at Austin
- Dissertation Research FellowEntangled Knowledge, Expanding Nation: Local Science and the United States Empire in the Southeast Borderlands, 1763-1840
Dora Vargha
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryRutgers University
- Dissertation Research FellowIron Curtain, Iron Lungs: The International Governance of Polio in the Cold War from a Hungarian Perspective
Carin Berkowitz
Ph.D. CandidateScience and Technology StudiesCornell University
- Dissertation FellowMaking British Medicine: Practice and Pedagogy in the Early Nineteenth Century
Andrew Berns
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of Pennsylvania
- Dissertation Research FellowThe Natural Science of the Biblical World in Late Renaissance Italy
Nicholas Best
Ph.D. CandidateHistory and Philosophy of ScienceIndiana University
- Dissertation Research FellowLavoisier as Historian of Chemistry and Philosopher of Science
Nicholas Blanchard
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryOregon State University
- Dissertation Research FellowDomestication: The Culture of a Science in the 20th Century
Kara B Clevinger
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of EnglishTemple University
- Dissertation Research FellowIsolating Liberty: The Home, the Prison, and the Asylum in Antebellum Literature
Ellery Foutch
Ph.D. CandidateHistory of ArtUniversity of Pennsylvania
- Dissertation Research FellowArresting Beauty: The Perfectionist Impulse in Peale's Butterflies, Heade's Hummingbirds, Blaschka's Flowers, and Sandow's Body
Anna Geltzer
Ph.D. CandidateScience and Technology StudiesCornell University
- Dissertation FellowEpistemology in Flux: Changing Conceptions of What Counts as Clinical Evidence in 20th and 21st Century Russia
Abigail Schade
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryColumbia University
- Dissertation Research FellowTraditional Qanat Irrigation Technologies in Arid Environments: A Global Environmental History, with Evidence from Iran, the Western Desert of Egypt, and the Balearic Islands of Spain
Karin Ekholm
Ph.D. CandidateHistory and Philosophy of Science DepartmentIndiana University
- Dissertation Research FellowGeneration and its Problems: Harvey, Highmore and Their Contemporaries
Christopher Jones
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History and Sociology of ScienceUniversity of Pennsylvania
- Dissertation Research FellowEnergy Highways: Canals, Pipes, and Wires Transform the Mid-Atlantic Region, 1820-1930
Tina Kibbe
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistorySUNY Buffalo
- Dissertation Research FellowDeviant Women, Toxic Bodies: Eugenics and Public Health in the United States, 1900-1950
Matthew Laubacher
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryArizona State University
- Dissertation Research FellowAssessing the Role of European Thought: The Culture of Collecting in 19th-Century American Natural History
Nicholas Spicher
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History of Science and TechnologyJohns Hopkins University
- Dissertation Research FellowA Study of the 18th-Century Use and Growth of Scientific Demonstrations in the Context of University Instruction
Theodore Varno
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryUniversity of California, Berkeley
- Dissertation FellowThe Nature of Tomorrow: Inbreeding in Practice and Theory in the Anglo-American Context, 1860-1950
Damon Yarnell
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History and Sociology of ScienceUniversity of Pennsylvania
- Dissertation FellowMotor City: Ford, Mass Production and the Industrial Ecology of Detroit, 1908-1927
Sarah Bridger
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryColumbia University
- Dissertation Research FellowScientists and the Ethics of U.S. Weapons Research, 1957-1991
Terry M Christensen
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of HistoryOregon State University
- Dissertation Research FellowJohn Archibald Wheeler: A Study in the Pedagogy, Philosophy, and Politics of 20th Century Physics
Melissa J Grafe
Ph.D. CandidateInstitute of the History of MedicineJohns Hopkins University
- Dissertation Research Fellow‘To attendance and medicine’: Medical practice in the Chesapeake and Mid-Atlantic regions, 1769-1820
Eric S Hintz
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of History and Sociology of ScienceUniversity of Pennsylvania
- Dissertation Research FellowThe Post-Heroic Generation: American Independent Inventors, 1900-1950
Miranda Paton
Ph.D. CandidateDepartment of Science and Technology StudiesCornell University
- Dissertation Research FellowVertebrate Paleontology and the Evolutionary Synthesis
Mary Elizabeth Zundo
Ph.D. CandidateSchool of Fine and Applied ArtsUniversity of Illinois
- Dissertation Research FellowMapping Destiny: Cartography and 19th-Century American Art of the Frontier